Friday, November 11, 2011

Something Corporate

One of these days I’m going to finish my story
And all that will remain will be me
One of these days I’ll have it all worked out
And all I believe I will see

They tell me that sharing is caring
But they don’t like the heart that I’m wearing
They’re daring me to break free
But all the while tightening their chains on me

I really wish they knew who was driving
And whose drive determines the real thing
And whose reality defines what to strive for
And if they know their imagination relies on what came before

“One of these days I’m going to be a part of something grand
But the scheming of others will be close at hand
One of these days I’ll be the main event
But they’ll be plotting, trying to circumvent

If I’ve told you once, I’ve done my duty
After that it’s up to you and not to me
If I lose my head, you better come with some string
To sew it back on and then take the blame for everything

I really wish I knew why they don’t listen to me
I’ve told them vaguely, once, but they still don’t see
Sometimes I feel like I have to do everything around here
Maybe I’ll just keep yelling nonsense until it’s clear

Climbing and climbing, and then maybe a step sideways
How can I make the most in the shortest number of days?
Climbing and climbing, crushing heads and dreams the same
If I’ve made it to the top first, then haven’t I won the game?”

One day they’ll fall, and I’ll watch it all
The time will arise when the big become small
One day things will cycle, and positions will change
And I’ll sit comfortably while they stress, trying to rearrange…