Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sit back. Relax. And imagine it's raining...
Another day in and a day's worth of complaining
From you, from them, all to no end
From side to side from the middle and then...

Everything and everyone shouts, all at once
Feigned  intelligence while wearing caps that say "DUNCE"
Lean to the left, lean to the right
Stuck in the middle and itchin' for a fight

When there's wisdom in comedy
When there's dispute among classes
When there's nostalgia in brutality
It's no wonder there's unrest in the masses

Sit back. Relax. And imagine there's sun
And we're all back in primary education
From you, from them, knowing absolutely nothing
Snotty hand holding snotty hand but knowing one thing...

That in this moment we haven't a care
And life is just a game of truth or dare

Elaborate fortunes were told on paper 
And circles and dots could prevent what was in the air

When there are adults who haven't grown up
When the monsters have come out from under the bed
When what we've stomached is something we should've thrown up
It's no wonder we're all lost in our own heads

Sit back. Relax. And imagine it's snowing
And we're no longer concerned if our hearts are showing
From you, to them, then repeat again and again
Until you can look into their eyes and see that they're glowing

Wednesday, August 01, 2012


Necks made of rubber, with no moral glue
Blind to opportunity and what they continue to do

Don’t feed the animals; just tap on the glass
Don’t make a difference or get off their a___

The fans don’t spin they’re just blocked with s___
And they’re too busy to deal with it

They keep looking forward through rose-colored shades
Never believing life’s a bitch and one day they’ll fade

Bull S___. More S___. Piled Higher and Deeper
All to earn a degree as a certified sleeper

Sworn to secrecy. But still speaking evil
Watch the trash pick at the trash like a bunch of hungry seagulls

They turned their backs and said goodbye
But still expect answers when they ask why

Seemingly entitled to the bitter bloody end
And they wonder why they can’t find friends

A hope and a life created by those before
Disregarded, forgotten and thrown on the floor

Currently unde-serving three hundred million plus
Self-satisfied amnesiacs who’ll never get enough

Presently forgetting those who worked to get them here
And the spirit that was lost; to simply persevere

The foundation layers will die soon, it’s only a matter of when
And the entitled will look nostalgically at “back then”

They’ll sink into smug despair questioning how things went awry
Never admitting to their entitled neglect until the day they die…