Destruction breeds creation
It’s the frame of mind he had
Designing and rebuilding
All to fit his master plan
In the first he was just testing
His magnitude of creativity
Breathing life only to end it
This plan just didn’t please
Flora and fauna were nice
Original but bland
And he set out to try again
Shake off the cosmic dust from his hands
In the second it was personal
And a son he did create
Keeping only him alive
When destruction was again fate
Not sure what was wrong with number two
He reflected on it and yet
Decided that again this world wouldn’t do
And inevitably destroyed it
Third time’s the charm
He’d get it right this time
Plants, animals, and that human element
Finally perfection, he was proud of it
And so he set it free
Breathed life and that was it
The occasional hand there to dabble
But mostly left to their fate
Lastly he sent his son
To watch them in disguise
Report on things he might not see
And observe from the creation’s eyes
And for a while there was peace
Sat from above and enjoyed
Free will danced with fate
And everything was good
But then there came a thought
From his own flesh and blood
“I just feel that though I love them,
I don’t really love them enough.”
At this he was perplexed
What more was there he could do?
He asked his son what he meant
Still a bit confused
“I want to have more say
In how they live their lives
I want to enrich them
And open up their eyes”
Living among them for so long
He began to be like them
Filled with conflicting emotions
All arguing for his undivided attention
Feeling he could achieve more
The son asked to be severed
His love and indifference
Could no longer live together
Fearing he would succumb
To that which was only too human:
Greed, apathy, etc. all of these afraid of
He instead wanted to be a being of pure love
He thought on the matter
And came to a decision
A sinister smile came across him
He would have a little fun
It was done; before him stood two selves
Capable of two different ways of seeing
An elegant man, from now on the lord
And his apathy, now known as the being
Again he sat to revel in his delving
He just watched and laughed a little
While sympathy and apathy
Tangoed and squabbled
This continued for many ages
The lord trying to heal them
The being trying to numb them
And he controlling all of them
But while he sat and took it all in
A thought began to fester within
He foresaw what he feared worst
He saw what would truly be a first
Looking back on the first of his creations
He began to notice a pattern
You see no matter how it starts
It will always have to end
Since forever, he had all the control
And never seemed to worry
Snap his fingers, it was over
No guilt, he never felt sorry
For the first time he was scared
Feared it wouldn’t go as planned
There was truth in what he thought,
His beginning was vast approaching his end
He was not prepared to let it happen
Though no one ever really is
He was all powerful, creator,
He should be forever destined to live
And so he built an army
To try and quell the coming storm
Perceived to be unbeatable
But ultimately forlorn