Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I wish I could explain myself,

But I’m most certainly uncertain

I’ve got all the answers in me

Just wish I could ascertain them

It makes me that introverted extrovert

The kind that says what he’s not thinking

I want company to calm my fears

But despise it when it appears

Don’t ask me to pick a side

They both look good to me

For even if I was over there,

Here is where I’d also want to be

I don’t like any one feeling

I can love you and hate you too

I know exactly what you’re thinking

But I also only think I do

My only friend is doubt

And he’s undoubtedly my enemy

I’d find somebody else

But I don’t trust that they’d trust me

I’m fighting a cognitive dissonance

I’m pulled in two directions at once

I’m fighting on all fronts

And I think I’m almost done for

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