Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Acknowledge, Accept, Ignore

New paper. Same place

New words for a new face

Sit by me and read my words

Over my shoulder where she wasn’t heard

Trying to learn what makes me tick?

Or trying to learn what makes me sick?

So you can take it and never quite end

Making your best effort to just be friends

Just barely above water, but you’re still breathing

Don’t drink the water, but question what you’re eating

Disorder in the cohorts until they need emergency trachs

So that all of us can stomach and ignore each others mistakes

Pillow talk. Squabbles flock

You would rest easy if she weren’t ready to walk

She’s no longer reading any of my words

And we listen to each other but nothing’s heard

She stops from time to time to look me in the eyes

But I’m still preparing a eulogy for when it all dies

She says to him: “I love you…” he says to her: “I know…”

Now alone they both say: “That wasn’t how it was supposed to go…”

She’s walked by twice now; to prove to him she’s still alive?

While he kicks under the surface, struggling to survive

Disorder in the cohorts until they need emergency numbing

So that all of us can relax, and ignore each others shortcomings

Stop that! No wait, go on

We keep looking and we’re never done

Stand over me and then recite my words

It never stops, it won’t stop, or haven’t you heard?

I’m about to leave the thought, until I think of the physical

Then I’m sucked in again to those thoughts that are trivial

Are you trying to be noticed or are you trying to hide?

Talk amongst yourselves and we’ll all try to decide.

The mind begins to open but we’re still a bit foggy

I’d have understood what to do if I weren’t so mentally groggy

Disorder in the cohorts until they need emergency lobotomies

So that all of us can think it through, and ignore each others inadequacies

Don’t wait; don’t hesitate

And absolutely never commiserate

When she’s gone I playback all of her words

I found I was talking to myself but everyone heard

There’s a certain subtlety that can only be seen when you don’t look

And she’s the genuine article that you can’t read about in books

Things are on the up and up with old symptoms on the decline

But when under this constant beratement you can’t tell me we’re fine

Run your mouth to the point of exhaustion to tell me why you’re leaving

You attempt to ease my mind, move your lips but you’re not saying anything

Disorder in the cohorts until they need emergency glossectomies

So that all of us can finally speak independently, and ignore each others incapabilities

Look over, then decide against

Over look and decide she’s best

You can’t find a way to describe her with normal words

She gives you a listen but ultimately thinks you’re absurd

As it happens they’re always walking in the opposite direction

But in that moment you lock eyes, there’s a silent perfection

Neither of you has said anything, and neither of you will

Just pass by each other sans drama, in a moment that can’t be killed

Open your eyes and disregard what makes them want to close

We see only what limits us, and in the end it’s all anyone knows

Disorder in the cohorts until they need emergency enucleations

So that all of us can finally see, and ignore each others imperfections

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just In Case

He’s a different man now

And he’s trying hard to remember how

He acts as though he’s lost his place

But he’s not lost; that’s Justin Case.

He looks out for her affection

While she looks off in the other direction

He tries hard to remember her face

He’s not forgetful; that’s Justin Case.

She woke up to a dreary day

And called him up to change it’s pace

She talked as if they’d be together one day

But she’s not quite in love, and he’s Justin Case.

She talks to others but is never really happy

She fears, to her fears, she’s losing the race

She tries hard to avoid it and tries not to see

She wants him to be someone more, but for now he’s Justin Case.

No one knows how it happened

And isn’t that usually the case?

Try hard to understand it all

But details still seem out of place

Why do we question it anyway?

We should be happy now to be face to face

But some would inadvertently mess it up

And remind him that he’s Justin Case.

But not for these two,

No, their story simply grew…

She’ll never say she settled when she recites the story

She simply says her heart proceeded to make up her mind

They had watched her decline until he said: “Don’t you worry”

And on that day Justin Case became Justin Time.

Neither knew exactly how it happened

And isn’t that usually how it’s done?

Their story simply continued to grow

For the two had now found one.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blissfully Broken

You could say this was the end

But let’s be honest: You’re not dying

You could say you saw it coming

But then you’d have to say you were lying

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

No words to be spoken.

Falling to pieces. It never ceases

Because we’d miss it if it was gone

We continue on, because we love

But no one said it’d take this long

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

None of us have woken.

When it happens enough we start to grow cold

It no longer phases and we no longer see

Who’s next in line? We don’t even care

Follow a routine and never allow it to be

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

Blissfully broken.

It would bother us more, if we weren’t so desperate

It would tug at the heartstrings if we only let it

But we smother it up and never fan the flame

Forget names, back to the same at any rate

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

None of us have woken.

We might smile less, mentally digress, and become a mess

But we would be in more pain, if it didn’t happen again and again

None of us will lie down and none of us will roll over

And while we toss and turn, we continue to chase until it happens

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

Denying what was spoken.

Why do we allow this to go on?

Because we have no control over it

Why do we believe that this will end?

Because we’ve seen others with it

Why do we compare ourselves to those around?

Because we feel lost and think they are found

Why do we allow this all to go on?

Because they are out there, because of that one

There’s a love out there who knows we care

There’s a hope at play which makes us dismay

There’s a tension in this wild obsession

But we all know we wouldn’t have it any other way

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

Blissfully broken.

We move on and then we move together

Haunted by our pasts, haunted by each other

No one wants a new one, and no one thinks they’re better

Everyone just moving, simply moving forever

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

None of us have woken.

Come across someone unique and your heart is lifted

Stay around someone genuine and your mind is in denial

Give up and give in to someone and your heart is trapped

Wake up to find no one and your body fights for survival

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

No words to be spoken.

Wake up to find yourself happy but still not well

Smile on your face, thinking only time will tell

In the end you move on, because it’s what’s expected

In the end you start again, despite what you said

No one ever does…

Left with just because…

Looking for what was…

Blissfully broken.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Can't Stop, It Won't Stop

I can’t stop…

Though this will never see the light of day

It won’t stop…

Because I still have something left to say

It’s just me…

And I won’t be gripped by that fear

It’s just me…

And I no longer think I need you here

And I no longer think I need you here…

Can your sentiments be sediment?

Could you ever keep a level head?

Can you see where your forked road has led?

Do you understand what I have said?

Would you prefer to be here instead?

Can you sleep with those thoughts in your head?

Are you wishing that it wasn’t dead?

Do you understand what I have said?

To the cynic…

One day I’ll stop your lures for good

To the friend…

One day we’ll meet where we once stood

To the lover…

One day I’ll love you like I really should

To the others…

One day you’ll all be understood

One day you’ll all be understood…

Ink blots on a page that was drawing up a memory of you

Questioning: Exactly what am I supposed to do?

A game of solitaire in the air and I can’t wait to come down

Plummet to the Earth and hope it’s you who is found

Romance is on hold and this world can threaten me all it wants

But priorities need to be established so I can clear my thoughts

And in the end the love you get is equal to the love you give

And life isn’t worth living if love’s not a part of how you live

Everyone‘s inside while I roam the outside

They just keep running while I try to hide

I didn’t get what I needed

But didn’t need what I wanted

Laugh it up and then ring it in

I went without and retreated within

A busy day may keep your memory away

But I still pray for a different day

Punching through walls, trying to tear myself apart

Learned destruction can’t recreate an unbroken heart

I can’t stop…

The words just keep entering my head

It won’t stop…

Not soon, not ever, not after I’m dead

It’s just me…

And while it’s not the way I wanted it to be

It’s just me…

Just thinking about what I don’t see

Just thinking about what I don’t see…

Mountains rise like piercing knives

And I sit wondering: Do you have nine lives?

Snowfalls, powder, and I hate the memory of you

Questioning: Exactly how do I escape you?

Sit and listen. Sit and fidget

They come and go; I try not to miss it

And the day that we create gold from lead

Will be the day I get you out of my head

Yesterday the roses in your photo were all disappearing

I was happy to see you both go, and couldn’t stop smiling

I can’t stop…

I fear a completely unfinished product

It won’t stop…

No beautiful resting place for this art

It’s just me…

And while it’s not how I wanted it to be

It’s just me…

Ask if you can come too, and pray for maybe

Ask if you can come too, and pray for maybe…

Jump back in and find me where I was

Lost here in battle without a noble cause

Drove me crazy and so you had to be erased

You look for my love and see only my blank face

A day that never finishes

A love that never truly says

Miss Lucky. Miss Took. Mr. E.

For someone who wasn’t really me

Can your sentiments be sediment?

Will I ever get you out of my head?

I don’t like where I am being led.

Do you understand what I have said?

Would I prefer her to be here instead?

Can I sleep with these thoughts in head?

Am I wishing that it wasn’t dead?

Do you understand what I have said?

Straightforward now and to an unknown destination

And I no longer desire that lost sensation

If all this comes as a surprise, then lying suits you

Questioning: Exactly what did I see in you?

I won’t wait here; I won’t be used

If this is no surprise, then you saw it coming too

Iron tore through the flesh that bled out yellow and blue

Stitching up a life that doesn’t revolve around you

I can’t stop…

Because I still have something left to say

It won’t stop…

Because I’m not strong enough to make it go away

It’s just me…

And you better believe I’m here to stay

It’s just me…

Alive for a love: A love for no cost:

Accosted by no one: One who'll never be lost...