Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just In Case

He’s a different man now

And he’s trying hard to remember how

He acts as though he’s lost his place

But he’s not lost; that’s Justin Case.

He looks out for her affection

While she looks off in the other direction

He tries hard to remember her face

He’s not forgetful; that’s Justin Case.

She woke up to a dreary day

And called him up to change it’s pace

She talked as if they’d be together one day

But she’s not quite in love, and he’s Justin Case.

She talks to others but is never really happy

She fears, to her fears, she’s losing the race

She tries hard to avoid it and tries not to see

She wants him to be someone more, but for now he’s Justin Case.

No one knows how it happened

And isn’t that usually the case?

Try hard to understand it all

But details still seem out of place

Why do we question it anyway?

We should be happy now to be face to face

But some would inadvertently mess it up

And remind him that he’s Justin Case.

But not for these two,

No, their story simply grew…

She’ll never say she settled when she recites the story

She simply says her heart proceeded to make up her mind

They had watched her decline until he said: “Don’t you worry”

And on that day Justin Case became Justin Time.

Neither knew exactly how it happened

And isn’t that usually how it’s done?

Their story simply continued to grow

For the two had now found one.

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