Monday, October 25, 2010


Why add to the masses to lie to?

When all he really wants is somebody like you

It’s funny what passes as friendship

As all he’s found are children on ego trips

The numbers climb higher as they accept

But they seem to be forgetting the key concept

It’s funny what passes for an acquaintance

As all he’s found, to him, doesn’t make sense

It’s losing its flavor, but we keep chewing nonetheless

Another distasteful relationship; yet another mess

Why add to the masses to cry to?

When all he really needs is somebody like you

It’s funny what passes as a confidante

As all he’s found is nothing he wants

They all just want someone to want them

All they want is another to condemn

It’s funny what passes as a soul mate

As all he’s found becomes more to hate

It’s losing its flavor, but we keep chewing still

Another soon to be dead-end that we can’t kill

Why add to the masses to try to?

When all he really desires is somebody like you

It’s funny what passes for giving a shit

As all he’s found continues to up and quit

You talk as if you couldn’t just talk to him

You act as if you’re missing limbs

It’s funny what keeps this world going round

And he asks: “Is this really all I’ve found?”

It’s losing its flavor, but we keep chewing, seemingly forever

String it along until you’re all strung out; never sever


Anonymous said...

where you talking about facebook? thats how i feel about facebook sometimes.

Stretch said...

That wasn't my intent, but I can see how you could get that feeling.