Monday, January 24, 2011

4th Floor Lies

4th floor view; nothing new
Trying to find a verse to slip into
Happily screwed with nothing to use
Thinking of you, but what else is new?

Preconceived notions; ill-conceived motions
But nothing good enough to make waves in this ocean
Said and done? Lost or won?
And all is silent except for the internal commotion

Think I'll go and take a nap
And mentally never come back
Think I'll look you in the eye
And know that this is where I'll lie...

4th floor scrawling a distant view
An understanding of how I blew it with you've gotta tell me, or I won't know what to do...
I wish I could tell you, and avoid someone else having to

They say, "Don't believe a word he's told..."
They say, "He's grown fond of being an asshole..."
They say, "If this keeps up he'll lose his soul..."
But I assure you this wasn't my original goal

Think I'll go and take a snooze
Until, these thoughts, you're ready to lose
Come get me when you can look me in the eye
And know that this is where I'll lie

Thoughts of perfection trounced by apathy
Half of me wishing I could get back that half of me
Locked in thoughts without a single key
Until people see what they don't want to see

4th floor emergencies tended to by flashing trucks
What happens when no one's a goose and we're all ducks?
Embrace the feathered oddity or else this game sucks
Write at the point where I don't give a f~~~

Think I'll go and take a nap
And dream up a day without this crap
Think I'll forever long for blond framed eyes
And know that this is where I'll lie...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blonde framed eyes huh.... hmmmm

love the duck goose line
