Sunday, June 05, 2011

Young & Naïve

Last night forgotten
Slept well but felt rotten
Wake up to no one
Make up my own fun
Dress to impress
Repress the mess
Top hat in hand
Ready to withstand
Class is in session
As I quell this confession
It’s eating me alive
It’s trite and contrived

As she walks gracefully into this room
She comes to nail closed my tomb
Her motive’s clear; this is my last day
Looking perfectly gorgeous, as always
Ever the fearful, I plead like a dunce
Young and naïve though, only works once

Many birds; no stones
But then again; to each his own
Nothing to do, so why not try?
Asking myself “Why God, WHY?”
We’re all over the top
And ready to drop
Dressed to impress
Plummeting towards a mess
Stand up straight
Just participate
It’s eating me alive
It’s still trite and contrived

As the light softly fades into nothing
She seems to vaguely remember something
Her heart beats faster with no explanation
Looking at my coffin locked in contemplation
Ever confused, believing her heart does deceive
Yelling at the coffin, “How could I be so naïve?”

Last class forgotten
Learned nothing; felt rotten
Take steps to move
With nothing to prove
More there, is less
Unless I stop and confess
She can’t occupy her bed
Until she’s sure she’s in my head
Many mistaken
Not stirred, just shaken
It’s eating me alive
It’s still trite and contrived

All alone in the empty cascade
Something in her heart starts to fade
Her mind regresses to never knowing me
Leaving my side she no longer sees
Existing in an instant the love is now long gone
Yearning to be free she’s convinced I wasn’t the one

A pat on the back
To a tip of the hat
A changing of the guard
‘Cuz if it’s easy it’s hard
Into it knee deep
Sow nothing, just reap
Memories to forget
New ones to sublet
Dressed to regress
Into her lovely mess
It’s eating me alive
It’s still trite and contrived

As I lay here upon my dying bed
She wanders off to be in someone else’s head
Her memory I keep, but my memory she erases
Longing just to see her, but we’re in different places
Empty, defeated, annoyed with feeling this way
Young and naïve, but what more can I say?

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