Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Leon's Diary

            I am sitting here writing down my thoughts because I am told they will help me in the future.  I very much doubt it though, as I’ve seen glimpses of it, and I’m still confused.  I’ve been told that my name is Leon, but I have no idea if that’s true.  I know that I will continue to be called Leon, so I’m making the assumption that it is indeed my name.  I will look back on my writings for the rest of my life, as it is the only window I have through which to see my past.  Allow me to explain.
            I have no memory of anything that has happened to me prior to the day it presently happens to be.  Everyday I wake up, and must subsequently be prompted by others as to what to do and when to do it.  For instance, they' tell me I’ve learned how to brush my teeth, but I can’t remember doing so. When I do finally start brushing, it’s familiar, but I can’t say I’ve ever done it before.  They tell me that if I hadn’t done it before I wouldn’t have teeth, and I assume they are correct.  My existence is a simple one, led by many who call me their friend.  Without their help I would have died long ago, I know this is true.  Tomorrow will be the same as today, and the next day after that until I die in my sleep at the age of 92. 
I read my writings from the days before, and while I know that they will always be explaining my predicament, I still find interest in them.  After I am made aware of their existence I sit down and am told I might like to read them.  “I can’t”, I say to those around me, “I don’t know how to read”, but they assure me I do, and when I see the pages in front of me with markings on them, I suddenly understand them.  I read with intrigue despite the repetition, and tomorrow it will start again.  Tomorrow I will have no memory of today; tomorrow I will be one day closer to my death. 

            Today I was told it was my birthday.  Confused as to what that meant I was somewhat nervous at the amount of people in my bedroom when I awoke.  I cannot recall ever having a birthday before, but they assure me that if I didn’t have one I would not be alive today.  I assume they are correct.  I know that I will have birthdays every year until the day I die, but I won’t ever know how old I am when asked.  Looking ahead, I am aware that I will always portray this kind of confusion even up until I am 93 and succumb to a fatal stroke.  I’m not sure what changed between today and a week ago for my death to change like that, but I value the extra year I will gain.  My son came by today to celebrate my birthday.  I was unaware I had a son, let alone a wife, and at 6’8’’ he is much taller than I am, but there was a slight resemblance.  He told me he would be back next week to visit, and I look forward to it until tomorrow comes and I forget.  We talked for a while, and he read me some of my past writings.  He is trying to help me remember things, but I tried to convince him I never would.  He called me a pessimist, and I fear I may have upset him. I gave him a hug on his way out, and made it count, as I knew I would not remember it, but he would.  Almost every night before I go to bed, I try to figure out when it is that my memory loss occurs.  Sadly, I am never able, and all attempts to stay awake and wait have failed.  It is a shame that I can’t get out more, and experience more of the world with my fleeting memory, but I understand the importance of the danger it may cause to me if I did.  I think I’ll end this entry by saying, get out more and enjoy the time you have, for my sake. 

            As I mentioned in my last entry, my son stopped by today to tell me that his wife had died. There is a sense of sadness that builds inside of me, but I’m not certain what or who specifically it is for.  On the one hand, I feel bad for his loss, but knowing that I will not remember any of this tomorrow, I can’t help but be a bit depressed. I look forward to tomorrow and being happy.          
I learned early on in my life, that while my death may change, I still don’t know how to create that change.  I recall, from rereading my previous entries, that I somehow changed the way I would die within a week.  I could not tell you how that happened though, it just did.  I must relearn this concept of my existence everyday as I awake every morning to the frightening knowledge of how I will die.  I write down how old I am, and how it will happen, but only when it changes, and the interesting ones.  I guess I’d have to say that it’s an odd sensation.  That is, waking up every morning and being able to see what everyone else can’t, only to forget it tomorrow in an instant.  Hopefully this continued writing will allow me to deal with it. 

            Today, after reading my previous entries, I decided to act upon my notion of getting out more.  After I was helped with the process of getting dressed, I proceeded to plan my escape.  After a few minutes of trying to figure out what to do, I gave up, for lack of knowledge, and decided to just start walking towards the door.  I opened it to be struck by a refreshing breeze, and continued cautiously down the hallway outside my room.  
            I walked a bit further to another door and opened it. As I took a few more steps it was clear that I was in a courtyard that was gated in.  The sun peaked out from behind a light blanketing of clouds, and the warmth was felt on my face.  I looked up towards it, closed my eyes and took it in; it was magnificent.  It was then that I felt a sharp pain on my neck, and when I opened my eyes I was lying in my bed.  As far as I can tell, this has never happened before, but then I have no real confidence in that assumption.  I never asked any of my friends here about the incident for fear that they might become aware of my escape attempts.  One day I will succeed; I will not die in this building of my friends. 

            I woke up today with a sense of adventure. I took a few steps out of my room and out towards the courtyard ________ __________________ ___________ ___________ __________ _____________ _________ ________ ____ ___________ ___________ _______________ ____________ ________________ ___________    _____ ___ I was told it was unbearably hot outside and that I should stay indoors today.  I didn’t really understand but I was excited nonetheless and felt like I shouldn’t let this energy go to waste.  I was told that I may enjoy a quick game of ____________ and so I set out with my friends here to do so.  Everyone was so happy while we were playing and then _________ stood up to make an announcement. ________ __________________ ___________ ___________ __________ _____________ _________ ________ ____ ___________ ___________ _______________ ____________ ________________ ___________ I was so relieved when my other friends here helped me up and stitched my up.  They quickly put me back to bed and assured me that sleep would make me feel all better.  I really enjoy having so many friends around.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ignorance & Bliss

He can’t get back what he’s clearly missed
He couldn’t accept being another tourist
He didn’t comprehend why it was him she kissed
Just another on the rocks with a citrus twist

He looked out at the ocean that once was empty
The tears of his fathers did fill that sea
They cried out “Why God, must it be?”
Just another knot in his family tree

He never was quite like other men
He was always looking back on “then”
He would quietly search for a state of Zen
Just another dying from lack of oxygen

He was a badass of sorts; jack of all trades
What he didn’t have inside he had outside in spades
He never thought his flagrancy would ever fade
Just another degenerate who should’ve decayed

So many things they wanted, so few they really needed
Yet all of them gave in, and none of them conceded
That they were flawed inside and they were being cheated
By the things they thought they wanted; by the lives they thought they needed

I know why I hate them, and can clearly see
That I’m not about to make it all about money
I’ll bide my time as their empires fall into the sea
As one full soul looking out at the empty

I’ll stand by the horizon and look out at the abyss
I’ll observe the passing time and the way they miss
I’ll keep hating the way they judge and how they’re so quick to dismiss
As one who isn’t ignorant but still able to find bliss