Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leon's Diary III


I just wanted to let you(me) know that you’ve(I’ve) started a treatment program here at the Castle that my friends claim will fix my memory problem. They can’t tell me much about it, but they told me it’s new and it promises extraordinary results.  With all of my friends smiling and telling me this, I can’t help but agree with them. 

            So far the results have been unnoticeable, but they tell me it may take a day or so to see any kind of improvements.  I guess I’ll just keep waiting then…

            Other than that, the day has been quite dull.  I mean the treatment takes a fair amount of time.  I started yesterday morning, and was out all day.  I woke up and had breakfast with April, who by the way will not shut up about her bum leg.  I keep telling her that if she doesn’t stop complaining I’ll take her other leg as well!  I’m only kidding, but she doesn’t know. Anyways, after breakfast my friends told me we were going to start the treatment, and that’s when they told me about it.  After talking for about 20 minutes, I was injected with a sedative and then I woke up quite a few hours later in time for dinner.  I honestly feel like they didn’t do anything to me, but we’ll see I guess. 

            Well, they tell me I need lots of rest, so I’m going to stop writing today and try to get that rest.  I’ll fill you in tomorrow about whether or not I’m seeing any results, or who knows? Maybe you’ll(I’ll) just remember, wouldn’t that be grand?

            One last thing though, I ended up reading the paper I found sticking out of my mattress that I mentioned last time. Turns out it was just somebody’s weird ranting.  They kept going on about their friends and what sounded like an inconsiderate God.  Well, it sounded like nonsense to me, so I tossed it out. 

Yup, it’s gone now, no reason to think about it anymore.

Just forget about what it may have said...

Actually, I think April may know where it ended up, but she won’t talk about anything but her lost leg, so good luck getting it out of her…

Get well soon!!



            Well, well, well, look what I’ve decided to remember! So many wonderful things!  The games I played with my friends, and how I won so many times.  The many birthday parties with carrot cake! I absolutely love this treatment program; it’s nothing but great memories.  In addition to all the memories I also haven’t had any visions of my death in a while. I think that is quite a good thing.  Death is such an ugly thing really, and I don’t know why anyone would want to know about when they are going to die, let alone how. 

            I’ve been spending my days recounting my past memories to a friend of mine here.  I go in every morning and sit on his couch and tell him as many things as I can remember.  He say’s I’ve been doing so well, and the treatment is working so well that I may eventually be able to stop writing in this log for them.  Wouldn’t that be great?! I could finally go back to living a normal life, and maybe I could take April with me as well. 

            It’s been quite a ride for me these past few weeks.  All the memories flowing back are almost too much to take.  I have to admit, even though most of the ones that have come back thus far are of me here in the Castle doing close to the same thing, it’s the small things that really stand out.  For instance, there was a memory from about 2 years ago when we had a visitor to the Castle that I had completely forgotten about.  I remembered this woman who arrived with the most beautiful blond hair and heavenly physique. Even though she was wearing the standard issue white gown and padded slippers, she looked as if she were an angel without a halo.  So they brought her in when I was out in the grand room, and she was looking down at her feet the entire time they were leading her to her room.  However, when she passed by where I was sitting she stopped, and put her hand on my shoulder.  She leaned over and whispered into my ear: “You can’t do this alone, but you’ll find peace in the end. Remember that you are loved…” I think there was more, but I can’t quite remember.  I was so taken by her beauty, and the fact that out of that entire room of me and my friends, she spoke only to me.  The memory fades after her words, but I’m just happy remembering even those few words of hers. Despite having all my friends here around, I must admit that sometimes I oddly feel a bit lonely. I can’t say I ever saw her again, but maybe that’s another part of my memory that hasn’t quite returned yet. 

            Well, I think I’ve kept the light on my desk here on too long.  April is looking at me like I’m being quite the annoyance when all she wants to do is get some sleep.  Sorry April. 

Goodnight for now then. 

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