Saturday, December 26, 2009


The beginning of the end

And a start of a new year

I just want you all to know

I have nothing left to fear

I’m starting fresh and getting out

And I don’t care what you say

I resolve to not get involved

And live life day by day

You’ve been taking a grain of salt

With everything you hear

You’ve been doing this for so long

You need to stop and sweeten up, my dear

I’m sick of all my contradictions

And I’m sick of all my false convictions

I need a happy new addiction

I need what remedies my condition

Please listen close to what I’m trying to say

Because I don’t think I’ll come back around this way

Today I decided to just stand up

Today I decided it was enough

And you can go and cry rivers

That will wash you all away

And you can go and burn bridges

That wouldn’t have led you astray

And you can go and just go on

And I will go and just move on

Mix and match your personality

With someone who can tolerate it

Hunt for one you can manipulate

And hope it’s an eternal fit

Don’t bother talking to me

Try talking to yourself

Get in touch with what’s inside of you

And leave me by myself

Come back when good things stop

And I’ll come back when I’ve grown up

Come back when things get tough

And I’ll make sure they stop

I don’t think I’ll be back for a while

And I’m not surprised you’re wearing a smile

You ask “Will you finish your short story?”

I say "Stay in touch, and we’ll see…"

Please listen close to what I’m trying to say

Because I don’t think I’ll come back around this way

Today I decided it was time to wake

Today I decided it was mine to take

And you can go and cry rivers

That will wash you all away

And you can go and burn bridges

That wouldn’t have led you astray

And you can go and just go on

And I will go and just move on

I read the news today

Apparently my muse has gone away

Don’t ask why, because I don’t know

Just want to forget, how I wanted it to go

New year’s eve, my arms around her

Can you picture this?

Crushed by a crush was a plan

Of just one last kiss…

Don’t tell me what to do

And I won’t tell you that you’re wrong

Don’t try to follow me

And I won’t tell you to come along

When I’m wondering if my snow angel would follow

Make this the last thing I write for some time

When I’m losing faith, thinking it’s not mean to be

Make this the last thing I write for some time

I tried not to jinx it

And wished it made sense instead

Hoping she’d come back soon

When it became colder than expected

Please listen close to what I’m trying to say

Because I don’t think I’ll come back around this way

The day you decide you want me

Is the day my words, again, you’ll see…

And you can go and cry rivers

That will wash you all away

And you can go and burn bridges

That wouldn’t have led you astray

And you can choose to leave

While I would have you stay

And you can go and just go on

And I will go and just move on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude you haven't wrote anything in like 2weeks you should get back to work :P