Monday, February 15, 2010

I Can't

I can’t quite forget

Nor can I remember

Was I infatuated

Or did I really love her?

I cannot be still

Nor can I be active

A crush that was truly

Aggressively passive

I can’t quite hear

Nor can I listen

Empty are the words

Of all other women

I cannot be lost

Nor can I be found

Deaf are my ears

Muted is your sound

I can’t quite stand up

Nor can I lie

A world apart

Gone is that college try

I cannot be warring

Nor can I find peace

Reluctantly beating

This heart will not cease

I can’t quite encrypt

Nor can I decipher

Acknowledged, overlooked

And never together

I cannot be close

Nor can I be far

A break in the link

Wondering where you are

I can’t quite be happy

Nor can I dismay

As day runs from night

And night clings to day

I cannot keep secret

Nor can I expose

That I just don’t get it

And I don’t care who knows

I can’t quite find love

Nor can I find hate

Life just goes on

In a lackluster stalemate

I cannot be dreaming

Nor can I be awake

How long before I

Realize my mistake?

I can’t quite be here

Nor can I be there

If her heart isn’t in it

Am I wrong to care?

I cannot remember

Nor can I forget

Did I really love her?

I just don’t know yet…

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