Friday, March 12, 2010


He said he’d only do it if it got bad enough

But what exactly was meant by “bad enough”?

Would he really let a relative state,

Dictate his life, away from his fate?

But how was he to know in his stalemate

If one fate takes precedence over other fates?

Would he really let the words of man,

Mess with him and with God’s plan?

He questioned destiny and free will

But only when he had time to kill

What if it was truly God’s choice

For him, at this moment, to raise his voice?

To speak so free about matters insignificant

And never allow them to tell him he can’t

He said he’d find a way when the time was right

But when exactly is time ever right?

Would he really stop and examine time’s direction

So he could pick out a time of perfection

Could he even know when the best was there?

And if a better time came would he be impaired?

Would he really let the constraints of man,

Mess with him and with God’s plan?

He questioned destiny and free will

But only when time stood still

He had upon him a guilty conscience

For all the time that he had killed

So under appreciated and now long gone

Luckily, he thought, it goes on and on

He said he’d do it if worse came to worse,

But how exactly does worse get any worse?

Would he really wait amidst the crap,

And judge the future on the past?

And what if it happened that better came to better?

Always looking for worse, would he even care?

Would he really let the decay of man,

Mess with him and with God’s plan?

He questioned destiny and free will

But only when weak, was his will

Because he didn’t know, and neither do you

What it is we are meant to do

But he goes on, knowing he knows nothing

And he can’t wait for something that’s never coming.

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