Sunday, June 13, 2010


I walk the known with my eyes closed

Through parking lots and empty fields

I stumble on, but so does the time

And my weary soul never yields

They tell me I need to notice

And I find it hard to know

I close my eyes and embrace the familiar

While blindly, I continue to go

No one can tell me the answers

But they all seem willing to try

The soles of feet worn down

From truth that’s often lie

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Over broken pavement and street

I stumble on, but so does the time

Faces fade of those I meet

Pressing on over the known

I reminisce about the horizon

It circles me and surrounds

As dusk again turns to dawn

A passing day becomes a dream

And the dream escapes at night

They tell me when I am wrong

But ignore when I am right

I walk the known with my eyes closed

They no longer need to be

I walk the known with my eyes closed

In blindness I can truly see

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Past the places where I ought belong

I stumble on, but so does the time

And the words repeat in this song

To be open implies letting in

And they all have a thought or two

To be open implies letting out

But they want to let it out on you

If I could continue walking

Could I reach my destination?

If they could just stop talking

Would it end my aggravation?

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Over motives and under low branches

I stumble on, but so does the time

While dwindling are my chances

We know it all too well

But we ask questions nonetheless

Their answers aim to corrupt

But none of them will confess

I’m surrounded by those who hate

And I’ve almost sealed my fate

With one whom I sought to know

Keep walking, don’t commiserate

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Because to open them would only bring tears

I walk the known with my eyes closed

It’s all I’ve known for all these years

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Through sliding doors and under clouds

I stumble on, but so does the time

And I’m no longer heard aloud

My halo has surely fallen now

And it rests around my neck

Lift it and shine it anew

Won’t you help me put it back?

With a longing for tomorrow

And loathing of today

Can’t we rid ourselves of sorrow?

And bring back yesterday?

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Because I’m here now and I don’t want to see

I stumble in and time just stops

Is this truly where I’m meant to be?

She raises her glass and gives a toast

But she doesn’t see the pending doom

As we all sip and enjoy the moment

Their gone, and so is the room

All that’s left is her in my eyes

And she’s dancing and trying to say

That though we cannot imagine now

We’ll be together one day

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Through repeated lines and the cliché

I walk the known with my eyes closed

Waiting blindly for that day…

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