Thursday, March 11, 2010

Misplaced Attention

If they go up, then I go down

If I go up, they’re not around

I woke up early, but then arrived late

My head’s in quite a messed up state

If you give a smile, you’ll get a smile

Unless you haven’t smiled in awhile

Kiss it goodbye and don’t ask why

The day we understand is the day we die

Take your turn, study and learn

Find a goal for which to yearn

Broken hearts and misplaced darts

And what arrives must soon depart

Again, again, I know, I know

I can only follow where it wants to go

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

A trite cliché always ruins my day

We’re all united but still dividing

We’re always seen but still hiding

What goes up must come down

What walks away must not be found

An ear tuned out will soon go deaf

And spawn a mouth bereft of clef

The social dynamic takes a somber mood

While we deny it isn’t well and good

We all scurry, rush and dart

But what arrives must soon depart

The blink of an eye or so I’ve seen

What is my life supposed to mean?

5 minutes ago I couldn’t sleep

Now dreams of you are all I keep

Set me up, and I’ll fail all on my own

You’ll look at me like I should have known

Watch the present with a glimpse of the past

Stare at the future knowing it won’t last

5 hours ago, I was long gone

But thought I’d continue ‘til I was done

Rocks, scissors, and paper hearts

And what arrives will soon depart

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww i like this one a whole lot. I really like how you made yourself the star of this one. or at least metaphorically i think thats the right word. Either way we need to hang out again. Maybe ill bake you some cookies for the occasion :)