Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Bad Day

So I was thinking about ending this nicely
And wrapping it up once again
But then thought: "Why give you the satisfaction?"
"Why is it that you always get to win?"

I swear I'm going to crack
And they just keep telling me what to do
But when I can't make them, and they don't want to,
What the f--- am I supposed to do?

And no this has nothing to do with that one
The one that seemingly "got away"
She's been left behind, with my focus now clear
And I'm fine, in terms of her, at the end of the day

My problem this time is all the other shit
Not very specific I guess,
The shit that you can't avoid as much as you try
How the f--- do I get out of this mess?

I've been told to make a correction to that
And I've been told to make a modification to this
And I'd like to tell them to get a life and stop trying to fix mine
Because I don't give a shit in the meantime

And yeah, I'm mad, but none of you need worry
I have contempt for those trying to make things perfect
And they see my life as half-assed, but I'm just in a hurry
I've only got one life to live, so save your comments and don't interject

And tomorrow I'll probably calm down
Or maybe it'll just keep growing
But you can all rest easy and know this
That none of this anger will I be showing

So I'll continue on from up here
And keep passing out to sleep at night
And hopefully I'll stop waking up each morning
Questioning: "What the f--- makes you right?"

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