Thursday, May 27, 2010


I read about angels, and the demons in us all

And then I thought if one could fall, couldn’t they all?

I find it hard to believe that in all eternity

Only one angel thought it possible to think differently

Makes you wonder what makes Him so amazing

When one would rather leave than accept such a great thing

I read about time, how it escapes you and me

And the moment we’re born we’re no longer free

Trapped in a world that wants to destroy us

You can stack them up but your chances will never be enough

Makes you wonder how you can truly live your life

When all you get to live in is the blink of an eye

And if I could get back everything I lost

I would go ahead and try, no matter the cost…

I read about existence and how the trick is to survive

Avoid the pitfalls of predecessors to remain alive

I asked: Was there ever a day in history’s tides

Where everyone just lived and nobody died?

Makes you understand our arching determination

When we’re all fighting certain decimation

I read about the heavens, and where it all comes from

How it’s a goal for a few, and a guide for some

I asked: If we trust in the stars above in the sky

What will happen to our astrology the day their light dies?

Makes you wonder how we all stay grounded on this Earth

When we’re all staring up to the stars, looking for answers

And if I could understand what it means to comprehend

I would go ahead and try, until I had reached my end…

I read about competing, and how the trick is to never stop

And bonus points for all those you crush on your way to the top

I asked: If life’s a competition, a race, a combative event,

Then aren’t we all losers if we meet death at the end?

Makes you understand why none of us want to slow down

When we’re already lost and we just want to be found

I read about reason, and how we all make it subjective

And if any of us actually knew, we wouldn’t even know it

I asked: If there were a reason, would there also be a rhyme?

And if there were, could we even figure it out in time?

Makes you wonder what the point is in questioning motives

When somebody else’s reasons could end you in minutes

And if I had more time I would work on my timing

And factor out those factors that aren’t deciding

I read about destiny, and how it’s everywhere you want to be

And if you believe, then it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy

I asked: If I end up there, is it where I was destined to be?

How can I know, when the big picture, I can’t see?

Makes you wonder how we can all follow so blindly

When we ought not to be taking this so kindly

I read about days, and how they like to come and go

And how you don’t need yesterday to have tomorrow

I asked: If the past is dead, and the present is dying?

Then shouldn’t we look to the future and keep on trying?

Makes you wonder how some can focus on their trivial pasts

When everything is ahead, and it’s only the memories that last

And if angels don’t have time to ponder existence in the heavens

Should we be competing for the reason of our destiny until our days end?

Just don’t read too much into everything…


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