Monday, September 28, 2009

The View From Up Here

The moon’s half full tonight

Maybe to match my half full heart?

The air is almost crystal clear

And I just watch

With my view from up here

Indulged in my music

Delusional soundtrack to life

Things just seem less real

And you can’t tell me

That it’s going to be all right

Eventually you’re going to have to shut if off

And eventually you’re going to have to wake up

I overlook a sea of faces

And yet yours never appears

It’s locked in my head

And will be till death

Haunting my view from up here

The music creates a tension

And my life takes a new mood

I’m listlessly drifting

Away from those I am missing

And I can assure you it doesn’t feel good

Eventually you’re going to have to stop

And eventually you’re going to have to wake up

The best things that glisten are rarely gold

I’ve seen it before it’s not something you’re told

My momentary warmth in all this cold

When they’d all rather ignore the problem

Then ever try and break that mold

And it will get better

At least it will if you concur

That most things aren’t worth having

And it’s all a greedy craving

All seen by my view from up here

Eventually you’re going to have to turn the music off

And eventually you’re going to have to wake up

I don’t think that they can hear me

And if they could they’d turn and run

I never meant to bring you down

Just let you know what I had found

And I’ll be all right when all is said and done

I’ve been thinking and driving

And I can never get it in gear

The lights are all off

But I’m home on the roof

Just waiting to share the view from up here

Eventually you’re going to have to come up

And eventually you’re going to have to wake up

And eventually I’ll have to face my fear

But until then I’ll remain

Patiently watching it all with my view from up here

Saturday, September 26, 2009


“Ah, a connoisseur of the finest.” She said as her golden hair fell softly to cover the left side of her face. She pointed at his drink and saluted him to a degree.

“I’m sorry?”

“The Forgiving Sin, only for those looking to forget and enjoy their evening or their lives.”

“Ah yes. They’re the only things that help me sleep as of late.”

“That’s too bad.” she said inching around the bar to get closer to him, “Want to talk about her?”

“It’s not like that, he’s—”

“Oh, I see.” She reproached.

“No, no, it’s definitely not like that.” He said a bit defensively. “I’ve just lost a best friend of sorts, a comrade, if you will.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” she proceeded with hesitation, “How did he die?”

“He didn’t, he’s just lost.”

Confused, she inched closer somehow attracted to his pain. She took his hand. He felt her soft touch, but more than that he felt her soft soul. He found her eyes and immediately wished he hadn’t, but it was too late now as infatuation roped him in slowly, much like a python enclosing it’s unwitting prey. They stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like days. She moved yet closer and her green eyes faded as she closed them and kissed him. Her mint chapstick meshed enticingly with his hungry lips and for a minute it was just them: a glimpse at what could be, a glimpse at what might be, and then he froze. He cringed internally at what he saw: The realistic part of his mind, now happily wed to the pessimistic side, was looming and he cringed.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” He paused to accommodate her confusion. “You’re beautiful, and it’s my loss, God’s opening a window, opportunity’s knocking, cliché, cliché, cliché, but I… I just…”

Leaving a few bills on the bar, he took a last swig of the Forgiving Sin and kissed her on the forehead. She looked up longing for his sweet demeanor to return, but he was walking out the door, out of her life.

* * *

“So you just left her there?”

He was non-responsive.

“I told you, you can’t keep living like this. Never seeking company for your misery because you’re afraid the company will lead you to inevitable misery only to end up alone. Am I right?”

“Kind of, but I feel like you’re over simplifying it a bit.”

“If anything you’re over thinking everything a bit.”

He didn’t say anything, he was lost in a thought that he couldn’t really verbalize. It said what he wanted to say perfectly, but he lacked the words to properly do so. She was trying to understand why he had been so reluctant to go back to his old charming ways.

“You think that if you were in a relationship that was going to eventually end, like they all do, that it wouldn’t be worth it in some way?”

Still, Felix had no reply, he just sat there in the silence trying relentlessly to verbalize his thought. He might have been a little afraid of facing the end, but it wasn’t that exactly. He just didn’t see the point in having a “love” that would either end when the relationship got rough, or when one of them died. He was pretty sure that he could get through the grief of her dying, but he couldn’t imagine doing that to her. In the end, his fears, and supposed assumptions of what a relationship was supposed to be, and how life was supposed to go cornered him out of ever wanting to start another relationship. The only downside to this that he saw though was that he really wasn’t good at being alone.

“I think you’re depressed Felix.”

“How did I know you were going to say that?” he retorted.

“Well, you know it’s gotta be a little true, ever since that day.”

Felix was silent, he knew exactly what Aimee was talking about, but wished that he didn’t. About a year ago now Felix had lost his best friend Derek. Felix never wanted to go along with the assumption that Derek was dead, but there was little reason to think otherwise.

“You can cling to your picture as much as you want, but you have to start facing facts: he’s not coming back.”

“You don’t know that!” his voice raising.

“Face it Felix, it’s been a year, and you keep looking at that picture of the two silhouettes on the beach like you think it will bring him back.”

He couldn’t say anything. He would never admit that she might be right, he did want his friend back, but he knew in his soul that Derek was still out there somewhere.

“He followed those pictures to his death, and regardless of the odd coincidences, I would hate to see you end up the same way.”

“Will you just shut up?”

She said nothing. She had never seen this side of Felix, and was a little afraid of him to be honest. She didn’t really know how to comfort him. At the same time however, she felt like playing into the idea that Derek wasn’t dead would only make things worse.

“Look,” she said after some time, “I’m just trying to get you to think logically. We haven’t seen Derek in at least a year. I don’t think you want to go through the same thing he did, searching for someone in the same way. It tormented him.”

“I understand, but you’ll never convince me that he’s dead. It’s not that I want to start a goose chase for a friend that I can’t quite put behind me, it’s just that I don’t want to believe it right now, okay?”

“All right, I understand, the subject is a little touchy for you—”

“Would you stop trying to placate me?!” he shouted.

She was at a loss for words.

“I’ve hung in there with you as long as I could Felix. I can’t do this anymore, call me when your brain returns.”

She started to walk away, but Felix just sat there. He felt no reason to associate himself with those who didn’t share his same beliefs, and while he thought he might regret this later, that was a problem for his later self. Felix let Aimee go, he didn’t need her right now, but he hoped that when he did need her she might still be there for him. It was wishful thinking but he couldn’t help the way he felt in that moment.

Felix tried to sleep that night, but was finding it more than difficult. After hours of lying wide awake in bed he thought maybe a drink would calm him into the slumber he so desperately needed. Returning from the bar he felt like passing out and letting the sleep overtake him. In an instant he was asleep. He dreamt of a great many things but was unable to hold onto any of them. Images flowed in and out of his head; story lines of dreams were mixed and matched to form something he could not comprehend. Even if he could follow the chaos he would have gotten nothing from it that could help him decipher the overall dream. He awoke suddenly when he heard a sound in his dream he had never heard before. It was the only thing that stuck with him. It was unfamiliar to him and at first he could not stand the sound being in his head, but then it started to grow on him. It sounded like a chord to him, but there was something ethereal about it that made him realize that it was more than a chord, it was heavenly and sinister at the same time. It bothered him, and comforted him at the same time. Looking at his clock he realized that he had only managed to sleep for an hour, and fell back into bed feeling quite distraught. He tossed and turned for the rest of what was now the morning, but eventually he found a bit of sleep.

This habit that Felix had gotten into now of not being able to sleep persisted for weeks. Trying everything he could right before he went to sleep, nothing seemed to work, and the sound continued to haunt him as well. Three weeks from the day Aimee walked out he received a call from her. He missed it, and she left a message:

“Hey Felix, it’s Aimee… Just seeing how you’re doing…I thought maybe you’d want to hang out or something…” she sighed. “Give me a call okay, I miss you…”

He listened to the message, and while he wasn’t surprised to hear that she missed him, he was surprised to hear the way she said it. She paused frequently, as if at a loss for words, or as if she thought he might pick up and say something that would fix everything. There was a sense of longing in her voice, and nothing but sincerity. He wanted to call her back but didn’t know what to say to her, he felt like lately he didn’t know what to say to anyone. And for that matter he felt like he didn’t know what to do in just about every instance of his life. He soldiered on though, knowing that if he could just get a decent night’s sleep he would be able to clear his head and figure things out; maybe even move on from the whole Derek fiasco too.

The days continued to pass and still Felix was unable to sleep. He would sit up at night and try to see how long he could stay awake, consistently beating his previous records and only giving in when his body just couldn’t go on being awake anymore. The problem was that once he passed out he only slept for hours at a time, constantly being awakened by the too familiar chords of something he could not define.

Sitting up one night he realized that he had been trying to fall asleep for so long now that the sun was starting to come up.

How ridiculous, he thought.

There was a knock at his door that morning. He struggled to get up, but did eventually as the knocking was becoming more urgent. Opening the door it took only a split second to see the red hair and know exactly who it was.

“Good God Felix, you look like shit.”

“It’s a pleasure to see you too,” he said sarcastically, “Remind me again why I ought to let you in?”

“You never returned any of my calls.”

“What are you talking about? There was just one, and I was going to get around to it, I just didn’t know what to say exactly.”

“Felix there were dozens of calls, what the hell is wrong with you lately?” She wasn’t quite yelling at him, or even trying to for that matter, but there was still a sense of deep concern for him in her voice.

Dozens he thought, that couldn’t be, had he really lost track of time that badly?

“I haven’t been able to sleep lately.”

“You’re probably lonely.”

“Typical Aimee, I thought we were past this and then you start up again with the ‘I think you’re depressed’ bullshit.”

“Yup, you’re lonely, but guess what, I’m here now! Aren’t you even the least bit happy to know that I care about you?” She said it sarcastically, but he couldn’t help feeling that she was just trying to play off the fact that she really did care about him.

He sighed with discontent, but the more he thought about it the more he had to admit she was right. He felt a little resentment towards her for not figuring that one out on his own.

“All right, come on in, it’s been awhile. Right? It has been awhile? I haven’t lost it completely right?”

“All right honey, come here.” She pulled him in and hugged him.

It was odd, he thought, she really was right about everything. Who knew that he really was lonely? He embraced her back, as this was the first contact he’d had with anyone in a long while. He was suddenly lost in the warmth of her body against his, and he couldn’t help but wonder how this feeling had never been apparent to him before this moment. They had hugged on several occasions, but now it was beginning to feel like something much more than that. His mind wandered into scenarios and it was like the night at the bar all over again—

“Why don’t I make you some breakfast or something, huh?” She let him go and her voice snapped him out of his downward spiral of unrealistic thinking.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” He couldn’t help but wonder why these thoughts had never crossed his mind before; maybe because he saw Aimee as too much of a friend. Regardless, he couldn’t help but think that having her there now was nothing short of soothing to his weary soul. They spent the day together and it was as if their conversation about Derek had never existed. Today she lived to take care of him, and he had no objection because he knew deep down that he needed it.

“So you said you’ve been having trouble sleeping lately?”

“Yeah, and as much as I hate to admit it, I think you’re right about me being lonely.” She smiled a bit, but didn’t let it go to her head.

“I’m not going to say I told you so Felix. Especially since I was just kind of joking around when I said that.”

“Well, you were right.”

She looked at him in a way he had never seen before. Their eyes met and he was strangely attracted to her now more than ever. He had never had thoughts of her like this before, and wondered why exactly. She was beautiful, and she only seemed to care for him.

“What are you looking at?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing, I was just zoning out a bit.”


They continued to sit there in his apartment until the night grew old. As time passed, Felix felt more and more relaxed, as if all of the things keeping him up were slowly dissipating. He was sure that he had only Aimee to blame for this, but he didn’t care, he was just happy to know that tonight he might be able to sleep again.

“I think I better get going Felix. It’s late and I have a busy day tomorrow.”

“Oh, all right.” He walked her to the door, and they said goodnight.

With such a sense of peace Felix felt as though he could finally get to sleep, and this time he would be successful. He walked around the apartment and quietly turned off the lights. Crawling into bed his head hit the pillow and he was out. After a while his normal dreams proceeded to play out as they usually did. For a moment he was flying, and the next he was running at the speed of light without a care in the world. He had finally grown tired of running and dreamt himself an open field where he laid out in the warm sun and in an instant Aimee was there with him, and he was at peace. They continued to lie there until the sun over the field went down, and then there was a sound. Quiet, almost inaudible at first, and then it started to grow—

“Aaahhh” Felix awoke with such annoyance. “Why?!?” He cursed whoever he thought was listening to his infinitesimal existence. Again the ethereal chord pierced every ounce of his core. Awake now it was gone, and he was able to get more sleep than before, but something wasn’t right. He couldn’t continue to go on like this if this chord was going to interrupt his life as it was. He remembered his dream however, and the peace he had when Aimee had entered. He thought about it, and felt like he had found a possible answer: he needed to spend more time with Aimee, this would be the only thing, he thought, that would eliminate his lack of sleep.

For the first time in his life, Felix was nervous about talking to a girl. He knew that he was attracted to Aimee, but he had no idea how to break it to her. For the first time he was caught up in what she would think, or what she would do, or how everything would happen. He could not remember how he used to do this sort of thing. He never used to have any trouble communicating how he felt about the opposite sex, if anything he was too open about it to the point where it was obscene. But this time he was at a loss. He thought about it some more and came to the conclusion that he should at least try to see her in person and then maybe it would come back to him. At the very least he could just try saying things that he was thinking. He was already pretty good at this, generally speaking his mind anytime he had a thought of any sort.

“Yeah, that’s no problem, and I would love to see you again. I thought maybe you might want to get out of your apartment though so why don’t we meet at the Contradiction Café.”

It was done; he was going to see her in person now. It felt like it had been a long time since he had left the apartment, and again, she had a good point. It was almost as if everything she said was so right that it was making it harder and harder not to be attracted to her. This however, made Felix feel like it was now harder and harder to tell her exactly how he was feeling. What was he getting himself into he thought?

“I’m glad you decided to come out tonight.”

“Yeah, me too.” He spoke hesitantly not quite sure what to say. Aimee noticed this too but was cautious about bringing it up. They sat for some time conversing about nothing much, but she slowly started to realize that Felix wasn’t himself tonight. Regardless of his lack of sleep she still felt like something more was bothering him. She continued on as normal though feeling like he would say something if it really meant something. It wasn’t like he was Derek who spoke very little and with such subtlety that you had to go to such great lengths to find out what he was feeling, or more so what he was bottling up. No, she thought, Felix was no Derek.

“Hey, Aimee…” he paused, finding no words he struggled to say anything at all. She waited intently, and gently put her hand on his.

“What’s up Felix?” Her touch was like a feather upon his skin, and she stared at him with such loving intent it was almost unimaginable. Suddenly he found his words again. If anything he was talking too much, but it was all in an effort to make her understand. He told her about the fact that she was probably right about him being lonely, and while he was still distraught about Derek he never meant for anything like this to come between him and her. He told her everything he was feeling, without being asked, and she quietly listened. He told her about his sleeping habits again and that for the first time he was able to sleep, only because she was with him.

“I thought that I would sleep through the entire night, but I guess I was wrong.”

She was silent, and so was he. A mutual thought was brewing in their heads, and both saw this as more than it was a few days before or more than it had ever been for that matter. The only problem now was that each of them was worried that the other wasn’t thinking what they were. Neither wanted to say it first for fear that the other wouldn’t actually be thinking it.


Finally he couldn’t take it and with seemingly nothing to lose he voiced it; he prayed she was thinking the same thing.

“So I was thinking— ”

“I’d be happy to spend the night Felix.” She interrupted with a smile, and it was as if a weight had been lifted from him. For all the girls Felix had been with he could not once remember a time when he had felt like this. He was unable to describe the feeling, but it didn’t matter, it was better than anything he had felt with any of the rest. His head jumped to several clichés of true love, but he quelled them quickly thinking that it was far too soon to call it love. As the clichés dissipated a thought like the one he had in the bar started to emerge. He was nervous, but shook it from his conscience with greater ease than before. In this instant he didn’t worry about the future, he didn’t worry about what would happen or what could happen. The what ifs of Felix’s life were swept up and burned by a fiery red-haired beauty that was Aimee.

After a long evening at the café they proceeded back to Felix’s place and ended up sitting on the balcony outside his place. They both had the idea of just watching the stars there until Felix was finally able to fall asleep. It was odd, even though the relational ice had been broken only moments before at the café, both were still hesitant to act on any other feelings they may have had. Occasionally Felix would happen to brush Aimee’s hand, but it was played off as an accident. This continued periodically from her too, but it ended much the same as she quickly apologized softly and then pulled her hand only about an inch away. It appeared as though they were moving closer and closer, but neither wanted to make a first move. Once again Felix brushed her hand, but this time she held on. It was as if their hearts met in their hands and while neither looked at each other, they continued to watch the sky from the balcony both just happy to have someone in that moment. As the minutes passed, Felix regained his old confidence and gently pulled her closer to put his arm around her. Giving no restraint she welcomed his company, and felt as though she would not have had it any other way. With the night growing old the two talked a bit but realized they didn’t really have to say all that much. The shear pleasure of being in each other’s company was enough to keep them satisfied for hours on end. Aimee eventually began to doze off. Felix dared not to wake his sleeping beauty but he wanted nothing more for her to be comfortable. And so, ever so carefully, Felix lifted her up and carried her to his bed. Tucking her in a bit he turned to leave and felt a soft touch on his arm. He looked and found the tender gaze of Aimee staring back up at him with just enough light on her face from the door, ajar, to see she was wearing a serene smile. Felix stayed with her and the two curled together making anyone who had seen it believe that this was completely natural for both of them. In this moment Felix and Aimee couldn’t understand how this hadn’t happened sooner, but it was no matter now, as it had happened. Their eyelids grew heavy and while each hated to miss a moment of seeing the other, they both eventually fell asleep.

* * *

For the first time in his life, he thought, Felix had found the sweetest slumber he could ever imagine. His dreams were peaceful and they were filled with such joy that he wished they’d never end. Eventually he came across an open field and ran through it with great ease. The wind flowing through his hair, it was pure ecstasy. He had no idea where he was running to but he didn’t care. With every step he came closer and closer to something he could not describe. It was a feeling of immense joy, if he had to describe it with words, but words just didn’t do it justice. He felt almost ashamed to even try and put a name to it.

Eventually Felix had reached the end of the vast field and was now running towards a beach where a silhouette stood. He slowed his pace a bit, feeling a sense of anxiousness as to whom this could be, but he truly did want to find out whom it was. As he came closer to the silhouette it became clear that it was a lone man standing on this beach. Sensing a familiarity he once again ran and came up shortly behind the man. As he made out whom he thought the man was, a sense of fear and joy overtook him. The man suddenly turned around noticing Felix’s presence.

“Well,” he said, “I was wondering when and if you might get here.”

Felix froze dead in his tracks. He was now staring none other than Derek in the face.

“How long has it been now?”

Felix was at a loss for words, as he had never had a dream about Derek in all this time. For all the thoughts he had of Derek in his conscious life never once did Derek manage to slip into his dreams.

“Uh, a year, I believe.” Felix responded slowly.

“Wow. You know they say time flies when you’re having fun, but I had no idea how long it had been. It must also be true that time flies when you are no longer apart of it’s web.”

Felix was confused and Derek could see it clearly upon his face.

“What do you mean Derek? This is just a very elaborate dream right? I mean I’m a lucid dreamer, but I don’t understand what you’re talking about, or what’s going on.” Felix was about to wake himself from the dream as he had before when his dreams bothered him, but decided not to. He was still quite confused about the whole dream and attempted to get to the bottom of it all.

“I guess it has been a while, and with what I’ve seen lately I guess I wouldn’t expect you to understand fully at this time, allow me to explain then. Here, pull up a chair.” And with that said two chairs appeared on the vast beach for them.

“Are these okay?” Derek asked referring to the chairs.

“Yeah, they’re fine.” Felix replied. He thought it was a little strange to see Derek have so much control in his dream, but he reminded himself that it was a dream and that it probably wasn’t that improbable.

“All right, where do I begin?” Asked Derek. The waves of the beach crashed lightly along the shore as Derek began to speak. Felix looked at Derek and then out along the ocean’s horizon. As he watched the skyline, he noticed that it was sunset, but it was quickly darkening to night. Derek took in a deep breath.

“Felix, what you know about life, death, and everything in between and existing alongside is not quite accurate. Don’t worry though,” Derek said with a little smile, “I am going to try and enlighten you right now. I want you to think of your dreams, and everyone’s dreams, as a point of convergence. Everyone is free to communicate here, in this dream state, but only a fraction of them realize it. We meet up with each other, those others that sleep when we do anyway, every time we fall asleep. The problem is that since so few souls know about this they all pass it off as a dream, and almost always forget the interactions they have with each other when they wake up. Even the true lucid dreamers have know idea what they are capable of in this dream state.”

As he continued to talk, the sky started becoming light, and turned into a dawn as the sun rose. It was odd to Felix to happen so soon, but he passed it off as his dream and thought nothing of it.

“Since so few are aware of what they do here in this dream world, the world itself is confused and often makes no sense to them when they wake up. They are given little glimpses, but not full on pieces. It’s like reading random pages in a novel, the page itself might be intriguing, but it fails to explain the full story. Thus, they wake up confused, maybe, and then pass off the dream as just that, a dream.”

He paused for a minute and looked out at the ocean. Derek dug his toes into the sand a bit trying to relax. Felix remained listening, intrigued by Derek’s words. He kept expecting to wake up but he didn’t. He was enjoying himself, but couldn’t help wondering why Derek was telling him all this, or what it all meant.

“Nothing in life is certain Felix. Who’s to say which life is real? It used to be said that death was certain, but with what I’ve seen around here I don’t even know anymore. The dead are assumed to envy the living, and on occasion the living have envied the dead, but which life is truly worth envying more? They’re two sides of the same coin, life and death. The problem I currently have is that to assume that there are only two sides to this cosmic coin is naïve. While I have yet to see any other sides, I am not ready to rule out their existence with what I've seen here.”

“How do you know all of this Derek?”

“Ah, I was wondering when you might ask that.” And at that moment, the sky turned to a sunset again and there beside Derek appeared a golden-haired girl with striking green eyes. “Felix, allow me to introduce you. Felix, meet Haley.” Felix looked on with a bit of disbelief. Her beauty captured him, but oddly enough it was not enough to maintain his gaze for too long. She was beautiful he thought, but she was not Aimee.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Felix.” She said sweetly.

She proceeded to sit on a chair like theirs that had appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and the three of them continued to talk. Felix was having a bit of trouble now understanding what was real and what wasn’t. The fact that he hadn’t woken up yet struck him as odd as well. The sun faded behind the horizon and darkness once again fell, but the three of them continued to sit there, completely content to go about their business and almost oblivious to what might be happening elsewhere. Derek and Haley talked about the peaceful existence they had found since meeting each other, and everything, to them, was bliss.

“I can’t imagine leaving her Felix. I don’t know what I’d do without her.” They looked at each other, Derek and Haley, lost in each other’s eyes and truly in love with each other.

“Is everything all right Felix? You look bothered by something.” Haley asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing really, I was just thinking about Aimee, I just look at you two and honestly can’t wait to—”

~~~ “…Wake up…” ~~~

Felix heard a ghostly voice as he was about to speak, but could not tell where it was coming from, but it said what he was thinking.

“I guess we should tell him huh?” Derek asked Haley.

“It would probably be a good idea.” She replied. Taking a deep breath she proceeded. “I’m sorry to say that you won’t be waking up any time soon Felix, if at all.”

“You’re kidding right?” Felix responded, and immediately attempted to wake himself up. After several tries he started to panic. He thought of Aimee, and all of the things he had said to her. Even though theirs was a new love, he couldn’t help remembering his past thoughts on relationships and their ends. He couldn’t help thinking that if he did not wake up he would be the one who had left her. Regardless of whether it was by choice or not, it didn’t matter, he had managed to leave her, and his heart sank.

“I don’t know that I can do this.” Said Felix as a single tear fell along the side of his face.

“I’m sorry she didn’t come with you Felix, but you’re pretty much stuck here with us, and the glimpses of those who momentarily dream. You may meet them for a moment, and interact, but given the nature of this world, do not expect them to remember you when they wake up, or when they may happen to return.”

“But I fell asleep and ended up here, why don’t I get to leave like the rest?”

“I can’t say for sure, and I honestly thought you would be slipping a way anytime now, back to the living side of things, but since you’re not, I'm afraid you’re stuck here.” Said Derek.

“How did you get here though, surely there must be a way out if there’s a way in?”

“Ah. That, my friend, is even a mystery to me. As far as I knew I thought I had died and I had thought this was life after death, but I can’t really say that with any conviction anymore. Perhaps it is like a limbo or purgatory of sorts? I just don’t know.”

“So we’re all stuck here? Just us, no one else?”

“Not anyone permanent like the three of us, so far as we know, just those who dream their way in for a quick visit. But Haley and I have grown to like it that way I guess. We get our occasional visitors but then they leave and it’s just the two of us.”

Felix couldn’t believe it. He was stuck here with out her. It didn’t even matter that he had managed to find Derek, he could only keep thinking of Aimee. He tried again to wake up.

“Wake up, wake up,” he muttered to himself in a hushed voice, “Wake up, WAKE UP—”

~~~ “Wake up…” ~~~

There was the voice again; mocking him almost, but he couldn’t place it. The sun was once again coming up along the horizon, and while it looked beautiful, Felix could hardly enjoy it. He got up from his chair and walked towards the ceaseless waves of the ocean and felt them upon his feet. His heart longed for Aimee, and he was overtaken with a sense of hopelessness. Haley got up and tried to comfort him, but he continued to stand and watch the horizon, staring at the emptiness that was now apparently his life…

* * *

Walking into the cold hospital room, she couldn’t help but tear up as she realized that again, today, he was still in that hospital bed, seemingly lifeless. She couldn’t tell how many days had passed; it was more than she wanted to count. She wiped her tears, and sat next to him on his bedside. She took his hand in hers and parted his hair away from his eyes with her other hand.

“Please? Maybe today?” She whispered somewhat desperately looking at him, but there was no response. She leaned in and kissed his forehead, and then lay beside him on the bed as tears continued to fall down her face.

“I just want you to wake up Felix. Please just wake up for me.” Her words fell on deaf ears, as she continued to lie next to him, her red hair flowing across his chest, and her tears soaking her hair.

My Saving Grace [Part 2]

Out from the darkness

Comes those eyes of green

An outstretched hand

And it’s waiting for me

She’s holding fast

With a stainless face

And she looks for me,

My saving grace.

I don’t deserve you

But still you remain

Singing sweetly to my heart

Trying to quell my pain

Out from the darkness

I’m pulled for a while

Nothing needed be said

Just continue leading with that smile

It soothes the soul

Like you wouldn’t believe

And I’m left with

An overwhelming peace

I swear it’s true

I was lost without you

And while it isn’t much

I’ll remember it as such

You fell from the sky

And hid your wings well

But I swear you’re an angel

Even if they all can’t tell

You walked into my life

With just a smile on your face

I hope your beauty never fades

Thank you,

My saving grace.

My Saving Grace [Part 1]

I’m not finished yet,

I can still make this work

I still have time

Before I leave this Earth

Don’t make me chase it

I can’t keep up

My sides are in pain

But I can’t stop

I’m coming up short

No No No!

This wasn’t the way

It was supposed to go!

It’s slipping away

And I’m just falling

Sinking down below

Their taunts are calling

It’s not my fault!!

I swear it’s true!!

But it’s no use

They’re deaf, I’m mute

I’m losing touch

Oh, can’t you see

To whoever hears this

Please rescue me…

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Out of ideas

I’m a blank slate.

Not completely clean,

But rather just erased.

Seriously? Nothing?

It ended so fast

I guess new ideas

Are a thing of the past.

Emptiness follows,

Where sad men walk

And I’ll stare blankly

Unable to talk.

I’m my biggest critic

And that’s probably why

I’m so quiet now

And so afraid to try.

Eyes that pierce flesh

Like nobody knows

And I’m left wondering

Where did it go?

I can’t make perfection

There’s little use trying

Left out, with self doubt

I wish I were lying

The glass is half full

But the drink has gone bad

I wish I could miss

What I wish I had

Standing in the fog

I try, with pen, to devise

But the real rain I write

Has yet to wet your eyes

Out of ideas

Seriously. Nothing.

Emptiness follows

When waiting for that something…

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Is This Worth It?

Question yourself
And run to regret
Then ask yourself
Is this worth it?

Jump through their hoops
Then think about it
Look back heavy-hearted
Is this worth it?

Heart on a sleeve
Waiting impatient
Ready to leave
Is this worth it?

Questions keep coming
It's hard to stick with it
When answers are few
Is this worth it?

Falling through the air
Such a frantic plummet
We never see it when it's there
Is this worth it?

The camouflage changes
But no one even needs it
We all just keep hiding
Is this worth it?

The dark tones ring
And you can't forget
That most days you're unsatisfied
Is this worth it?

Scars and stitches
Force you to remember it
But just relax
This is worth it.


New music, new muses

New conflicts for defusing

New dreams, new nightmares

New reasons for life to be unfair

New loves, new hate

New details to complicate

Knew nothing, knew something

Knew I didn’t know what was coming

New chances, new dances

New feelings for new romances

New lies, new tries

New reasons to fear goodbyes

New wants, new needs

New motives to deceive

Knew that, knew this

Knew that I didn’t want to miss

New loses, new wins

New demons trapped within

New life, new death

New yearning to surpass the rest

New day, new sky

New thoughts to try and hide

Knew me, knew you

Knew I didn’t know what to do…

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Insomniac's Heart

At a loss for words
And so I write
When all I want
Is just one night

I just need a minute
To rest my head
Then I swear
I'll go to bed

If I could lie
Right next to you
I'd never need anything
Else from you

Wake me up at
Half past yesterday
And we'll make sure
We don't turn out like today

Empty promises and
Far too many misled
No more tired now
As I try to return to bed

Awake again now
Please just stop this game
When will I sleep?
Why is it this way?

I walk room to room
I walk door to door
I hate what's happening
No sleep anymore

Stumble into dark corners
Crowded with the undefined
I can't close my eyes
Until you leave my mind

And I would try
Anything for you
As slumbers tease
What am I to do?

Insomnia's a joke
Compared to this
A heart too tired to sleep
A heart that does miss

Tune it out
Turn off the light
And pray that I
Quiet my mind,
Forget your sight,
And finally find
Some peace tonight...