Monday, March 29, 2010

Standing Still

His best ideas come while on the go
But while standing still he just didn't know
True inspiration, to him, was priceless
As for the truth of his actions? He would not confess...

And he'd invite her over simply to sleep
No sexual agenda did he try to reap
So long as his dreams, she allowed him to keep
He, in her quiet company, did sleep

And when he awoke he took in only her gaze
Then fell back to sleep and woke up in present days
Where the mornings were clear but the romance was dead
And all of the above existed only in his head...

He'd get dressed, attend to business, come and go
But when he'd stand still he just didn't know
In the emptiness between here and there
He couldn't afford to keep turning a square

So he went along happily with the rest of the world
And each girl he passed became just another girl
He found excitement in the smallest of things
But couldn't find his angel, the kind without wings

And when he fell asleep he took in the day
Then drifted into his dreams, and flew away
Away to a place where the romance was alive
And his happiness wasn't falsely contrived

Awaking the next day, day after day
He dulled the pain with music and went on his way
Seeped in through the ears, but went straight to the soul
But when he stood still he couldn't find his goal

Always on the move so that he couldn't be caught
Always dodging the questions that pertained to naught
He got a leg up on the competition with out-stretched arms
Physically unscathed, but permeable to deeper harms

All in all, he was human, and no one outgoing
But when he stood still he had no way of knowing
The magic was fantasy; the chemistry had gone awry
And all in all, he was still just the umpteenth to try

He knew all the wrong people, but all the right places
Had just enough screws loose, but couldn't put names to faces
He woke up early, so that he could stay up late
He believed in freewill, but also in fate

He lived every day like it was his first
And drank up new information with unending thirst
He talked to God, but usually to curse Him
And other than that, he believed they were friends

In the silence he'd imagine some friends for fun
And they'd laugh until his daydream was done
He'd stand up, look around, and decide where to go
But while standing still he just didn't know

He's the kind of person you don't read about in books
But he is one who gets a lot of second looks
His story goes on though, and so does he
And it you don't know by now, he, is ...


Anonymous said...

Standing still sounds like a nice break.

Stretch said...

It might be a nice break, but the inspiration stops the moment I do.

Anonymous said...

Write more you bum. I like reading this during my free time and am very disappointed if there is no updates. I almost shed a tear and everything.

-The Sociopath