Thursday, May 20, 2010


Sit back, relax, and ask yourself: “What’s my motivation?”

Seems like everyday I get closer and closer to mental vacation

I go to class, and I return having soaked up useless knowledge

Seems like everything I learn just remains locked inside my head

Up and down the stairs, and while upon the escalator

I wonder: if I don’t move, can I come back and do it later…?

Mirrors are her eyes that allow me to truly see

That my motivation couldn’t possibly be any further away from me

Seems like everyday I write, and everyday I scratch my head

I go through the motions like everyone else who’s waiting to be dead

Not to be morbid, but what’s your motivation?

Could it be trying to simply escape death’s sensation?

Sit back, relax, and just allow yourself to breathe

Allow your eyes to close, and simply cease to be

Step out of your body, and then hover above in spirit

Say goodbye to your physical form, and then simply leave it

Never to come back, off to find my motivation

Seems like everything succeeds when I reach that elevation

When I’m not looking at it, the whole world disappears

When I’m not looking for them, I’m confronted by my fears

When the world stops moving, I’ll be old in years

And when the time comes for you to cry, you’ll find you have no tears

Now Director, tell me: what’s my motivation?

When it seems like all that you’ve given me is fleeting sensation

Tell me how is it that I can’t seem to get a grip anymore?

And if I had one do you think that life could be something I adore?

If you don’t want to be lonely, then stop acting like you’re alone

And if I wanted to hear your voice, I wouldn’t be wearing these headphones

Sit back, relax, and allow yourself to just take it all in

Then snap back to reality and remember the last time it came from within

If you can’t, don’t worry, I can’t remember either

You know, the last time you just knew, and did have to follow a leader?

Off on my own, and asking the same dumb questions

Blah, blah, blah, what the hell is my motivation?

Seriously people, it shouldn’t really be this hard

And if you have plenty then share, recycle, don’t discard

The effort I put in is equal to what I will get out

But tell me how it is you do nothing, and never seem to be without?

You’re all motivated by something that I can’t equally interpret

You’re all motivated by someone who I apparently haven’t met

So tell me you bastards, what exactly makes you tick?

And if I take from the plate you’re eating off will it make me just as sick?

Finding joy in the simplest things is what I do best

But when all of you do it better, how can I possibly be better than the rest?

Set to standards that run you, while your morals get run over

You all act like you’re drunk while insisting that you’re still sober

So tell me Sir, who sits above upon the clouds

Can you tell me your motivation? Or are you not allowed?

And tell me dear reader, when you look at all that is around you

Can you tell me your motivation, be it a “what” or a “who”?

Maybe we shouldn’t question it, just suck it up and keep on going

Chalk it up to complete mystery and be satisfied with never knowing

But if the end is truly the end, and the beginning was a blink of the past

Then what motivation is there to make me forget that this won’t last?

Contemplating creation and trying to escape damnation

I sit back, relax, and ask myself: “Where went our motivation?”


Anonymous said...

Revenge and competition.


Stretch said...

Well, it fits your M.O. of being a sociopath, but I can't help but feel that your real answer has something to do with rainbows...