Thursday, December 09, 2010

Stark Raving

I wanted to do this last night, but that was yesterday

And if I had said it then, you wouldn’t have liked what I had to say

Now you tell me to spit it out, that I must be in a stupid funk

But I’ll stop being so daft, if you stop being a f—ing punk

It’s time you looked around and gave your life a start

Instead of acting like you’re different by playing a different part

You’re not out of your element, but I wish you were out of mine

And if you could just shut your f—ing mouth, I think we’d be fine

But you have to twist the knife; you have to go that extra mile

And I’d be okay with all of it, if you didn’t wear that damn smile

So keep listening to my radio while I tune you out of my head

I’m not passing out; I’d just rather go to bed

It’s a matter of respect, which you clearly don’t seem to have for me

And when I look at you, I can’t understand what he sees

There’s definitely something there though, but that’s not for me to say

I won’t comment on what ought to be, but on how you ought to go away

Seriously, you irritate me, and the sad part is you think it’s comical

But don’t worry about alienating one; you’ve still got them all

So I’ll slink off like a mau5, because I’m as tired as the dead

But the truth is I’m avoiding you, because of what you said

Prepare to be immortalized, in a stanza that no one will see

Least of all you, but that’s all right with me

I won’t listen to your jaunts; I will no longer be affected

It’s not my fault that those mushrooms got your personality infected

You can talk to the rest of them; you can eat, drink, and be merry

But you won’t hear a word from me; this conversation I cannot carry

I, (insert name here), swear to be of sound body and mind

No drop of intoxication in my present self will you find

And I (name above), hold to all I’ve said above

And I (name above), will leave you, with no loss of love

________________________Printed Name



Anonymous said...

the end of this looks like an "above the influence" commercial.

also you spelled mouse without an e.

is this based on real life?


Stretch said...

I assure you I was not going for that anti-whatever bull shit ;D

Also, the misspelling was intentional, and yes, it is based on real life. All writing is based on personal experience.