Tuesday, August 03, 2010

An August Person

I’m a night person

Who only exists during the day

I’m a nice person

I just forgot what to say

On the backs of receipts

Or whatever I sight

On an organized screen

I’m compelled to write

Better act quick

Before the thought runs away

It just won’t stick

My muse won’t stay

Nobody knows

Until they’ve been hurt

Out of reach it glows

Because you can’t grasp its worth

None of it was doctored

I simply got false information

I’m not getting a postcard

While you’re on your damn vacation

We could fall in love

Fondly looking towards forever

But fickle is the will

Thus we mustn’t be together

But enough of trying to make this special

I’m not looking to have my face everywhere

And if that’s what you’re looking for

You won’t find me looking there

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