Tuesday, August 17, 2010

There Once Was

There once was a field as vast as could be

And it went on beyond what the eye could see

Over the earth, a giant chartreuse sea

And in this field stood you and me

There once was a field that was home to a tree

The largest imaginable growing free

Its roots were strong, and so very deep

And under its branches sat you and me

There once was a day when you loved me

And then I learned that it couldn’t be

Left alone lying under that tree

In the vast field I ceased to be

There once were words heard in fields of green

That needed no voices, just you and me

Time would pass, and we both would see

There’s no place here for fields of green

There once were sights seen from up in that tree

That needed no eyes, just you and me

Time would pass, and we both would see

There’s no place here for being up in trees

There once was a day that didn’t have to be

And looking back I can finally perceive

Once again in this field it’s only me

But one day she’ll come. One day, maybe…

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