Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Sleeper

A cruel twist of fate

That I’m always too late

It’s a cruel irony

To always watch but never see

Dress ‘em up and parade ‘em out

So I can sit and write about

The beginning of their coupled love

And this sleeper’s lack thereof

Wake up! Wake up!

You’re still running the race

Shut up! Shut up!

As I lose my place

I’ve seen it before

And I’ll see it again

The sleeper’s awake

And lost in the then

I’ll sit and listen

Forever and ever

But still remain trapped

In a silent never

Dress ‘em up and parade ‘em around

So I can see what I haven’t found

The beginning of their crazy love

And this sleeper’s lack thereof

Clink your glasses

And watch them kiss

Happily ever after

But just among this laughter

Shut up! Shut up!

I don’t want to hear anymore!

Give up! Give up!

And the sleeper takes the floor

He’s been there awhile

And will be forever

Overcome by the feeling

Of being trapped in never

Alone on the ground

The sleeper is out

Quietly dreaming

About what it’s all about

A cruel twist of fate

That I’m always too late

It’s a cruel irony

To always watch but never be

New song too, if you're so inclined :)

Nothing Special

Hope you enjoy

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Stop it before it starts

No sense in breaking both our hearts

Invest in generalities

To find a love that no one sees

See her as she finds another

Stop it before your love’s discovered

Wrong day

Wrong time

Wrong reasons

Just rhymes…

Stop it before it starts

I’d rather not watch it depart

Invest in irrationalities

No need for thank yous, no need for please

Please don’t go, will never show

Stop it before it’s allowed to grow

Wrong way

I know

Wrong reasons

Just go…

Stop it before it starts

Don’t touch just stare upon the art

Invest in commonalities

And just embrace mediocrity

Don’t think that, her gaze, you can accrue

Stop it before you start to lose you

Wrong words

Wrong phrases

Wrong time

To say this

Stop it before it starts

No sense in breaking both our hearts

Invest in unrealities

And escape the trivialities

Don’t try to love, but don’t start to hate

Stop it before it starts to devastate

Friday, September 17, 2010

Just Once

One time is all it will take

Just stand back and watch it break

Just keep thinking it was a big mistake

Just keep thinking you aren’t awake

One time is all it needs

Just step back and sow the seeds

Just watch them grow into your needs

Just watch your humanity as it recedes

One time will simply do

Just stop thinking it won’t happen to you

Just settle in and make do

Just forget the ways you knew

One time and you’ll attain

Just a dull and numbing pain

Just numbness when it happens again

Just emotion that you now feign

One time is all it takes

To no longer feel when your heart breaks

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Word To The Wise

TV shows, where everyone knows

That what you get is what you pay for

Album tracks that have my back

But what I’ve got isn’t what you stay for

A simple plan for a simple man

That always gets complicated

A simple desire to just inspire

But what you’re doing’s got me frustrated

Silver screens with a glossy sheen

And we all seem to circle back around

Multiple choice and I raise my voice

What was lost will one day be found

Get off your ass and study to pass

But I just can’t seem to even budge

A song to last your whole life long

And through these notes I’ll trudge

A single tear and I start to fear

That life just isn’t what it’s supposed to be

No damsel in distress, just a damn mess

And I’m drowning in this paper sea

Pan left to right and avoid the night

Because it reminds us that we’re alone

It surely stings that we weren’t given wings

Flightless and cold we might as well be stone

It is what it seems; it’s not my dreams

But the good sleep has yet to arrive

Eternity becomes antiquity

While we’re here trying to survive

She tells me to let go, but I don’t know

Because her chorus has me speechless

Something so hollow will always follow

And I just keep following nevertheless

TV shows where no one knows

That what’s up next might not be dramatic

An album B-Side and I continue to hide

Stuck safely listening to the static

A picture for those who’re sure

That what they have will remain theirs

A portrait that makes them really sweat

As they hope everyone still cares

Enough is enough, so stop this stuff

As the world turns but you stand still

The time will arise, where they’ll apologize

When they’re all full with having their fill

A gentle guitar strum, that makes me go numb

And music was all it was trying to impart

A word to the wise about my demise

It may or may not be the result of a broken heart

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sun Struck

The blinds are opened

And the sun comes in

It sits on the floor

Until I’m ready to begin

It traces the room

Until all is seen

It helps me understand

What it is that they mean

The window is opened

And a breeze comes in

It chases my hair

As I sit within

It dances and plays

With all the small things

It helps me understand

Why my soul sings

The screen is torn

And I escape for my room

The sun is now mine

And we mock my old tomb

I float on the breeze

As it pushes me on

It helps me understand

Why they’re all gone

The land is falling

And I retreat to the air

It all gets swallowed up

And I forget to care

The darkness is my landmark

The stars are my friends

They help me understand

Why I can’t make amends

The land is reforming

The sun and the breeze

Are setting me back down

With the greatest of ease

The window is closing

But no need to fear

I finally understand

That you’ve always been right here…

Monday, September 13, 2010


Another added to the list that I want nothing to do with

While countless others step out of line

Another name I can’t call upon without a helping wish

While I persuade myself that I feel fine

Another choice that leaves me thinking my days are numbered

While those around find someone to count on

Another day and I’ll feel like I’ve been here before

While I sleep in through a beautiful dawn

Another person that I really wish I no longer had to see

While my head aches from trying to understand

Another heart that simply wants to run away and be free

While I remain happily swimming in quicksand

Another who thought they ought to be with yet another

While the masses will cheer and salute

Another way out that they choose not to tell me about

While I’m listening to my life on mute

Another downtrodden soul has escaped their cruel fate

While I linger in a hell of my liking

Another note to a piece that they keep stuck in my head

While I strike out on trying to be striking

Another stroke of genius that just lights up their lives

While I wonder about what to do

Another spark of something beyond what we call chemistry

While I perpetuate what I’m going through

Another excuse to justify what it is that they do

While I feel like I showed up late

Another night I lose sleep from reading my words

And I wonder how long I’ll have to wait…

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Memory Fades

She found me standing on a lake of ice

And suddenly I knew that she was there

I warmed up to a thought I thought was nice

As it was clear she really did care

Just warm enough to make the ice melt

Just striking enough to make my heart stir

Graciously enjoying the cards I was dealt

Thankfully praising the appearance of her

She watched as I sank into a sea of tears

And suddenly I knew I’d been misled

I couldn’t understand how she could laugh at my fears

And it was then that I wished she were dead

Just warm enough to dry my eyes

Just following me as a haunting blur

Wishing for one more spontaneous surprise

Frantically cursing the appearance of her

She has never to this day, reappeared

And suddenly I know that she never will

I can’t be accountable for the worst I’ve feared

As I’m still waiting for everything to hold still

Just warm enough to make me more jaded

Just hoping that this all won’t reoccur

Patiently waiting for this memory to have faded

Longingly searching for the appearance of another…

Friday, September 10, 2010

Epic Poem Part 4

On a day like any other

The world did indeed break down

The sun decided to go out

And the moon was nowhere to be found

Neither saw it coming

In the house of the elegant man

They simply enjoyed the comfort

While things went according to plan

The golden haired girl in her keep

The man gazing from his window

All was quiet on the tallest peak

The audience set for the final show

It was on a day like any other

That He did indeed appear

And blotted out the sun

To play on all their fears

It was as the elegant man foresaw

It was as fate had foretold

But it was the being who saw Him first

And was lured into the cold

He appeared on that fateful train

And asked the being if he had any stake

In a world that didn’t need him

In a world that was another mistake

“It is not for me to care

And that’s exactly how you made me”

But He already knew the being’s answer

And ushered the being in discretely

At this instant the elegant man became aware

That his creator was bearing down

The lord knew his house was in danger

As the being had now been found

Faced at present with a dilemma

The elegant man didn’t hesitate

He rounded up his home’s occupants

And they all did congregate

But the golden haired girl didn’t hear

And the man still kept his gaze

While the lord explained to his friends

The nature of his creator’s ways

Then the man did see on the horizon

A darkness looming there

And the girl felt a tremble in her keep

And suddenly they cared

Rushing immediately to their host

The two found comfort in his presence

While he told them all to stand ready

As they would be fighting for their existence

The man returned to his window

Ready to report on the advance

As he watched the quiet darkness

He wondered if they had a chance

The creator raised His fist high

And with a call He beckoned His army

He suited them all with weapons

And said to execute them all swiftly

The being was given special orders

And told to find a single man

The one who arrived twice in this world

The one who stood to ruin His plan

For this task the being was given a sword

One forged by the creator Himself

Made for the single purpose

Of destroying everything else

As the being set out on his way

Still indifferent to the grand scheme of things

He delighted in watching the world disappear

With each one of his sword’s swings

A swing at a lamppost by the station

Saw it vaporize as darkness befell

He soon grew drunk with power

And the being let out a yell

“I don’t care what happens here

I’m merely out for my own gain

Those with the passion to rise against me

Will surely feel my pain.”

The being then set foot in a flash

And in a blur he raced up the tall peak

He annihilated those along his path

To the man he truly did seek

As the creator sat back and watched

His armies steadily increased their pace

And though He feared the outcome

He tried hard to keep a calm face

“They’re coming!” yelled the man from his window

Like a storm that creeps up at night

“Then ready yourselves!” yelled the lord

While the rest prepared to fight

His occupants strode down from the mount

As if gliding on currents of air

Their host was who kept them moving

Their faith was what kept them there

Soaring down the steepness

They met blades with the darkness below

Engulfed and utterly surrounded

They all had nowhere to go

“They’re falling!” cried the man from his view

But the elegant man just stayed still

His heart was preparing for war

His hands were preparing to kill

The golden haired girl in her keep

Hearing the cries from down below

Urged herself into battle

But found her body unwilling to go

She remained frozen by fear

Beaten by her lack of power

The darkness filled her soul

And she grew weaker by the hour

The elegant man finally set forth

As the fight he could no longer spectate

Charging forward into the shadows

Hoping he would not be too late

In a whirl of darkened clouds

He bolstered his long loved kin

They rallied around their lord

And once again thought they could win

As the dark and the light now fought

The blur of the being darted by

Too fast for the lord to catch

He had never seen the being so spry

The being moved with a lust for blood

To take the lives of his counterpart’s home

It was revenge for splitting them apart

It was revenge for leaving the being alone

The being didn’t care who he killed

He didn’t care what the end may be

He simply knew this was an option

And that is what he chose to see

At last the being had arrived

Upon the doorstep of the elegant man

It was here he would kill the one

That sought to interrupt his creator’s plan

Searching from room to room

Finding nothing but victims to cut down

But then he arrived at the window

And the man had finally been found

The being lunged with great strength

Towards the man who tried to defend

Their struggle was truly deafening

And the man did fear it was the end

It was then that the golden haired girl

Jumped out of her fear of demise

And launched from her keep down the stairs

To appear before the being’s own eyes

“Stay back girl you’re no match for me!”

Said the being without and ounce of fear

“Unless you seek the same fate as him,

You better run away from here!”

But the golden haired girl didn’t move

She remained and stood in her place

“You want to die?” He asked almost afraid

Tightening his grip on his sword just in case

As he swung to slice her in two

She raised only her hand to the being

Stopping his sword with her finger

He could not believe what he was seeing

“You were once a harmless being

Even if you never really cared

I urge you to take up a better cause.”

She did confidently declare

Fearing a loss to this girl

He thought on the girl’s proposal

If she could not be defeated

There was the man he could dispose of

Drawing back his blade from her

And appearing to admit defeat

He dawned a devious grin

To attack the man laying at his feet

Being too slow to stop the blade

The girl was unable to react

It was then there was a blinding light

It was then the elegant man attacked

Hurling himself into the being

He knew what he must do

The lord apologized as the being struggled

And they each ended being two

In what looked like a fiery mess

The two were again united

The blaze flew out of the house

There was no stopping what had been ignited

It soared into the darkened sky

The son had now reappeared

It was time for his creator’s end

It was what the creator feared

In a ferocious burst of speed

The son whipped down to land

Making short work of the armies

Forcing them to disband

Standing now upon a vast field

The son was gunning for his creator

He would fight to end the cruel joke

He would fight to prove he was greater

From atop the forgotten peak

The man and the girl stood still

They marveled at his love for them

And marveled at his will

Destruction breeds creation

It’s the frame of mind He had

It’s the reason it never worked

It’s the reason He went mad

“There is no place for you here!”

Cried the son with unwavering voice

“You will die here by my hand

And that is your only choice!”

He chuckled a bit from the air

Hiding behind His dark clouds


He roared from up high, aloud

His thunderous clouds grew darker

While lightning stuck the ground

But the son never shifted his position

No fear from him could be found


He bellowed from His thrown above

But the son just stood defiant

There was no longer any love

The lightning flashed more violent

And the clouds encircled the terrain

But amidst the looming darkness

The elegant son still did remain

He and everything he knew

Were swallowed up entirely whole

But while the creator just laughed

The son had achieved his goal

It started as a chuckle

That then grew and grew

“Oh, I thought you were smarter than this

Oh how I thought you knew!”

Being created out of the darkness

The son feared not this lack of light

With the creator unable to see him

He jumped and took off in flight

Remembering those he sought to protect

In the home he had grown to love

He knew he mustn’t miss

And flew higher still above

Rushing through the clouds now

He saw his creator face to face

Speeding ever faster towards Him

Only seeking to erase

Even if it meant the end

Of everything in the world he knew

He resolved to make things right

It was what he had to do

The golden haired girl looked on

At the land He sought to desecrate

The man saw a light cutting the darkness

And knew it would come down to fate

The elegant man kept soaring

Until he finally made contact

He struck at his creator

His execution perfect, his timing exact

It was then that everything ceased

There was nothing but a blur of light

But soon the light went out

As existence itself turned black as night

There were no feelings of fear

There were no feelings of any kind

There were no conscious thoughts

There were no thoughts for any mind

Then was seen a single atom

That soon pushed more through the black

Reappearing was the peak

And the house was slowly coming back

As the world rebuilt around it

Inside were the man and the girl

And as they looked outside their window

Slowly materializing was their world

No memory of their nonexistence

Just of the battle before

Nothing needed questioning

No need for fear anymore

As they waited for the lord’s return

The days and weeks passed by

And when the years stretched on without him

They believed that he had died

Safely inside his former residence

The two continued to usher souls in

Giving them a place to find comfort

When at last they met their end

The peak remained a monument

And a testament to the will of some

Who chose to fight the darkness

And chose to overcome

There were no more creators

There was no reason to create

Existence simply continued on

And in it’s own hands held its fate

Epic Poem Part 1 & 2


Have you ever searched for something

You know you’ll never find

Peace of mind, or a love divine

Or a happiness that’s so defined?

He also had such grand desires

To rise above his life of fire

To end the “madness” of which he tired

To figure out how to get higher

All he wanted was an answer

To where he was going in the end

He wasn’t a scientist or much of a lover

Just a more than decent friend

He wondered what came after death

And set out to try and learn

And be the first to tell everyone

Upon his enlightened return.

“I’ve got very little to lose

And I cannot sleep at night

These questions keep plaguing me

It simply isn’t right.”

So he took his own life

And was out quick like that

Everything went dark around him

And then his life truly began

For what seemed like an eternity there was nothing

He thought he had thoughts but he didn’t know

There were no sounds, no sights, no feeling

He waited wondering what to do, where to go.

And then it appeared in what he thought was the sky

Five mountain tops covered in snow

No way to get up them in the air so high

But it didn’t matter he still wanted to go

A path was then set before him

Towards an end he could not see

It led past the mountains in the sky

And made a pit stop near a sea

This sea was not so normal though

It was perpetually flowing

And it was spherical in nature

Waves never ceasing, but continually growing

It looked inviting nonetheless

But a desire to dive in he didn’t feed

He continued walking on the path

Not knowing where it would lead

He moved on for hours

Until the path ended at a station

Saw a girl waiting for a train

And approached her for an explanation

She explained to him that he was not dead

“But if I said you were alive you would also be misled”

“So let’s just say it doesn’t matter what you are

And just continue on instead.”

And at the instant she stopped talking

A train did suddenly appear

Towards it she started walking

And he followed close behind without fear

All the cabins were empty

Except for one near the back

And there sat a being

Fully cloaked in black

It confirmed that the girl was right

That the man was neither alive nor dead

He was simply in between

And how he got there could not be said

“I ended it though,” the man said

“I was searching for answers

About what came after

So surely I must be dead”

“Well I don’t care

And she’s just as lost

But someone might know

When we get off at the next stop.”

And so the train kept moving

And he thought he was getting close

I’ll just figure out what it’s all about

And the truth of it all I will know

The train came to a halt

And they stepped forth off the train

“I’ve got work to do,” said the being

“And so I cannot remain”

It was now just the girl and the man

And he asked her where she’d go

With no response he realized she wasn’t there

And where she had gone to he didn’t know

And so he was alone again

With a path stretched to the mountains

The same ones he had seen before

Just the tops of the peaks, which seemed to soar

He quickly walked along

With a good feeling in his soul

He was climbing the tall peaks

To what he thought was his goal

He had reached the top of the tallest peak

And there he saw, in its majesty

A beautiful house, so grand and sleek

Watching over the snow and all the peaks

He thought “This is it

I’ll finally know

Just exactly how

It was all supposed to go!”

He arrived without breathe

And knocked at the entrance

And it was opened by a man

With quite an elegant stance

“Come in” he said

“I’ve been expecting you

I know who you are

And what you seek to do”

The man was confused

As to how he had known

But with what he’d already seen

Disregarded it and entered his home

“Please take a seat and we’ll talk

I know it’s what you want

And I would love for you to see

Just exactly how things ought to be”

They sat there for sometime

The man was quite pensive

Had all his questions answered

And then got up to leave

“I’ve enjoyed my time here

But I think that I must go

I really have to get back

And let everybody know.”

“I’m willing to let you go

And help they’re minds to expand

But they’re not ready to hear it

They simply will not understand.

Still, you can try

And I’ll await your return

And then maybe you’ll understand

Why it wasn’t so important that you learn

All the secrets to life

How to end all the strife

How to live your life right

Or get through sleepless nights.

Just be who you are

It’s how I made you to be

And when you’re done being there

You can come home to me.”

And then there appeared

A door bathed in flames

“You can go back through here

And return to where you came.”

The man then thought it through

And after a while made up his mind

He would step on through the door

And enlighten all mankind

When the man returned to tell

He was heard but not received

It was his own personal hell

Trying to convince but not being believed

And so he lived his life

Growing more mad by the day

Until one day he died

And across the floating peaks he came

He met up with the elegant man

And was filled with a sense of shame

He had tried to vainly understand

Where he was going and from where he came.

But it made no difference to the elegant man

Who was merely happy that he came

He welcomed him back nonetheless

And loved him all the same


We continue on now

Only the character differs

Where once there was a man

A woman now appears.

Born into death

Never given a choice

She survived only to die

Another wanderer of the void

Having not known a form

In the previous world

She became here what was intended

A golden haired girl

She was new to the world

Stumbling as she ascended

Saw a path before her

And made to find where it ended

She marched on for hours

Looking around for a clue

Seeing nothing familiar

Seeing nothing she knew

The world was quite empty

Mostly hills rolling on

Now and then possible movement

Only to look and it be gone

Filled with a faith

She continued to move on

Curiosity ensnared her thoughts

As she came to a station

While she waited for the train

Her mind began to walk

Thoughts sprang to life at a whim

And curiosity began to talk

You ought to be aware

That you came here too early

Only able to read one page

Of a million page story

Before this thought was sleeping

No question had her soul

No longer content to sit there

She now had to know

“What if I hadn’t died

But instead I did live

Lived a life the way it could’ve been

And passed on peacefully at its end?”

At that instant a train appeared

Revealing a being

“If that’s truly what you want,

I’ll grant you the feeling.”

Stepping on the train

The doors closed behind

Sitting quietly with the being

Awaiting her second try

The train proceeded to move off

Near the speed of light

Out the window was a dance

Of day to night, day to night

Her vision began to blur

She became a blank slate

Losing consciousness, but finding rebirth

Now attempting to escape fate

Life began anew

A birth into the world

Breathing life here, once again

To the golden haired girl

And so time did pass

And she experienced life

Found love and happiness

Endured hardship and strife

She passed on, again

After many generations

To the land of rolling hills

And inevitably the train station

As she waited for the train

A man happened to appear

He approached her with a question

And feeling safe, she did adhere

He started asking questions

That she knew the answers to

Told him “You’re neither alive nor dead,

And there’s nothing you can do.”

“If I said you were alive

You would only be misled

So let’s just say, it doesn’t matter what you are

And continue on instead”

And at the instant she stopped talking

A train did suddenly appear

Towards it she started walking

And he followed close behind without fear

All the cabins were empty

Except for one near the back

And there sat the being

Fully cloaked in black

It confirmed that the girl was right

That the man was neither alive nor dead

He was simply in between

And how he got there could not be said

And so the train strode off

Now going to its destination

And the girl began to ponder

Coming upon a revelation

“I was given a second chance

And I’m still set here to be

On a train bound to a feeling

And that feeling is free

Free to take me in

And free to love me dear

It is here where I begin

It is here my heart is spared”

As if she were coming home

The comfort drew her near

The train proceeded on

And she knew her place was here

And then the stop appeared

The train had run its course

The man and woman departed

Lead by an invisible force

The man proceeded on

While the girl fell behind

She mused, while he walked on

Lost but to his sight

She contemplated the events

That brought her to this place

Felt sound in her decisions

And continued at a comfortable pace

She walked along for hours

Until the peaks she crossed

She climbed with renewed passion

Now finding what once was lost

Atop there stood a house

A house so sleek and grand

A house to take her in

A truly peaceful end

She knocked upon arrival

And the door was opened wide

There appeared an elegant man

Who met her with loving stride

In an instant they embraced

And she knew that it was here

That she would always stay

Would live forever without fear

“Welcome” the man said

“I’ve been waiting for you

Have a seat right next to me

And let me know what I can do”

They sat and talked for a while

And she felt he knew her best

She found her place in his house

Finished searching and now at rest

And as she began to live

Inside the house so grand

She quickly did meet others

Who had come to this peaceful end

She grew to know them all

All content to live in peace

Right beside the elegant man

Knowing love that never ceased

But unbeknownst to them

The elegant man could not confide

A secret bearing down on him

Out of love he tried to hide

He continued on trying to hide it

His worries would never show

He just continued to love them

Wishing they would never come to know

That a struggle was ensuing

Between the powers that be

The elegant man, the being

And the one, who all of this, did conceive


Epic Poem Part 3