Friday, September 10, 2010

Epic Poem Part 4

On a day like any other

The world did indeed break down

The sun decided to go out

And the moon was nowhere to be found

Neither saw it coming

In the house of the elegant man

They simply enjoyed the comfort

While things went according to plan

The golden haired girl in her keep

The man gazing from his window

All was quiet on the tallest peak

The audience set for the final show

It was on a day like any other

That He did indeed appear

And blotted out the sun

To play on all their fears

It was as the elegant man foresaw

It was as fate had foretold

But it was the being who saw Him first

And was lured into the cold

He appeared on that fateful train

And asked the being if he had any stake

In a world that didn’t need him

In a world that was another mistake

“It is not for me to care

And that’s exactly how you made me”

But He already knew the being’s answer

And ushered the being in discretely

At this instant the elegant man became aware

That his creator was bearing down

The lord knew his house was in danger

As the being had now been found

Faced at present with a dilemma

The elegant man didn’t hesitate

He rounded up his home’s occupants

And they all did congregate

But the golden haired girl didn’t hear

And the man still kept his gaze

While the lord explained to his friends

The nature of his creator’s ways

Then the man did see on the horizon

A darkness looming there

And the girl felt a tremble in her keep

And suddenly they cared

Rushing immediately to their host

The two found comfort in his presence

While he told them all to stand ready

As they would be fighting for their existence

The man returned to his window

Ready to report on the advance

As he watched the quiet darkness

He wondered if they had a chance

The creator raised His fist high

And with a call He beckoned His army

He suited them all with weapons

And said to execute them all swiftly

The being was given special orders

And told to find a single man

The one who arrived twice in this world

The one who stood to ruin His plan

For this task the being was given a sword

One forged by the creator Himself

Made for the single purpose

Of destroying everything else

As the being set out on his way

Still indifferent to the grand scheme of things

He delighted in watching the world disappear

With each one of his sword’s swings

A swing at a lamppost by the station

Saw it vaporize as darkness befell

He soon grew drunk with power

And the being let out a yell

“I don’t care what happens here

I’m merely out for my own gain

Those with the passion to rise against me

Will surely feel my pain.”

The being then set foot in a flash

And in a blur he raced up the tall peak

He annihilated those along his path

To the man he truly did seek

As the creator sat back and watched

His armies steadily increased their pace

And though He feared the outcome

He tried hard to keep a calm face

“They’re coming!” yelled the man from his window

Like a storm that creeps up at night

“Then ready yourselves!” yelled the lord

While the rest prepared to fight

His occupants strode down from the mount

As if gliding on currents of air

Their host was who kept them moving

Their faith was what kept them there

Soaring down the steepness

They met blades with the darkness below

Engulfed and utterly surrounded

They all had nowhere to go

“They’re falling!” cried the man from his view

But the elegant man just stayed still

His heart was preparing for war

His hands were preparing to kill

The golden haired girl in her keep

Hearing the cries from down below

Urged herself into battle

But found her body unwilling to go

She remained frozen by fear

Beaten by her lack of power

The darkness filled her soul

And she grew weaker by the hour

The elegant man finally set forth

As the fight he could no longer spectate

Charging forward into the shadows

Hoping he would not be too late

In a whirl of darkened clouds

He bolstered his long loved kin

They rallied around their lord

And once again thought they could win

As the dark and the light now fought

The blur of the being darted by

Too fast for the lord to catch

He had never seen the being so spry

The being moved with a lust for blood

To take the lives of his counterpart’s home

It was revenge for splitting them apart

It was revenge for leaving the being alone

The being didn’t care who he killed

He didn’t care what the end may be

He simply knew this was an option

And that is what he chose to see

At last the being had arrived

Upon the doorstep of the elegant man

It was here he would kill the one

That sought to interrupt his creator’s plan

Searching from room to room

Finding nothing but victims to cut down

But then he arrived at the window

And the man had finally been found

The being lunged with great strength

Towards the man who tried to defend

Their struggle was truly deafening

And the man did fear it was the end

It was then that the golden haired girl

Jumped out of her fear of demise

And launched from her keep down the stairs

To appear before the being’s own eyes

“Stay back girl you’re no match for me!”

Said the being without and ounce of fear

“Unless you seek the same fate as him,

You better run away from here!”

But the golden haired girl didn’t move

She remained and stood in her place

“You want to die?” He asked almost afraid

Tightening his grip on his sword just in case

As he swung to slice her in two

She raised only her hand to the being

Stopping his sword with her finger

He could not believe what he was seeing

“You were once a harmless being

Even if you never really cared

I urge you to take up a better cause.”

She did confidently declare

Fearing a loss to this girl

He thought on the girl’s proposal

If she could not be defeated

There was the man he could dispose of

Drawing back his blade from her

And appearing to admit defeat

He dawned a devious grin

To attack the man laying at his feet

Being too slow to stop the blade

The girl was unable to react

It was then there was a blinding light

It was then the elegant man attacked

Hurling himself into the being

He knew what he must do

The lord apologized as the being struggled

And they each ended being two

In what looked like a fiery mess

The two were again united

The blaze flew out of the house

There was no stopping what had been ignited

It soared into the darkened sky

The son had now reappeared

It was time for his creator’s end

It was what the creator feared

In a ferocious burst of speed

The son whipped down to land

Making short work of the armies

Forcing them to disband

Standing now upon a vast field

The son was gunning for his creator

He would fight to end the cruel joke

He would fight to prove he was greater

From atop the forgotten peak

The man and the girl stood still

They marveled at his love for them

And marveled at his will

Destruction breeds creation

It’s the frame of mind He had

It’s the reason it never worked

It’s the reason He went mad

“There is no place for you here!”

Cried the son with unwavering voice

“You will die here by my hand

And that is your only choice!”

He chuckled a bit from the air

Hiding behind His dark clouds


He roared from up high, aloud

His thunderous clouds grew darker

While lightning stuck the ground

But the son never shifted his position

No fear from him could be found


He bellowed from His thrown above

But the son just stood defiant

There was no longer any love

The lightning flashed more violent

And the clouds encircled the terrain

But amidst the looming darkness

The elegant son still did remain

He and everything he knew

Were swallowed up entirely whole

But while the creator just laughed

The son had achieved his goal

It started as a chuckle

That then grew and grew

“Oh, I thought you were smarter than this

Oh how I thought you knew!”

Being created out of the darkness

The son feared not this lack of light

With the creator unable to see him

He jumped and took off in flight

Remembering those he sought to protect

In the home he had grown to love

He knew he mustn’t miss

And flew higher still above

Rushing through the clouds now

He saw his creator face to face

Speeding ever faster towards Him

Only seeking to erase

Even if it meant the end

Of everything in the world he knew

He resolved to make things right

It was what he had to do

The golden haired girl looked on

At the land He sought to desecrate

The man saw a light cutting the darkness

And knew it would come down to fate

The elegant man kept soaring

Until he finally made contact

He struck at his creator

His execution perfect, his timing exact

It was then that everything ceased

There was nothing but a blur of light

But soon the light went out

As existence itself turned black as night

There were no feelings of fear

There were no feelings of any kind

There were no conscious thoughts

There were no thoughts for any mind

Then was seen a single atom

That soon pushed more through the black

Reappearing was the peak

And the house was slowly coming back

As the world rebuilt around it

Inside were the man and the girl

And as they looked outside their window

Slowly materializing was their world

No memory of their nonexistence

Just of the battle before

Nothing needed questioning

No need for fear anymore

As they waited for the lord’s return

The days and weeks passed by

And when the years stretched on without him

They believed that he had died

Safely inside his former residence

The two continued to usher souls in

Giving them a place to find comfort

When at last they met their end

The peak remained a monument

And a testament to the will of some

Who chose to fight the darkness

And chose to overcome

There were no more creators

There was no reason to create

Existence simply continued on

And in it’s own hands held its fate

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