Friday, October 23, 2009

Proofing the Truth

Be they poems or rhymes

Or otherwise mind games

They come across best

When they’re not the same

Because it’s all been said before

And that’s been said before

And the more you hear the same

The more you start to ignore

The best of the best

Don’t speak the language like the rest

They find if from their deepest depths

So that it doesn’t end up

With everyone else’s mess

So I could write about how

I’m abnormally tall

Because it’s new to some of you

And would attract you all

Or I could write about how

I’m seemingly depressed

But how I try to make it the best

I smile, once in a while

Try not to fit in like the rest

I could write about how I’m searching

For my Miss “plain and tall”

The girl who’ll stop the world

The girl who’d stop it all

All the pains and loves strains,

All the deranged demands

Of this lonely man

I could write about how I’m itching to please

Each and every one of these

People who can’t realize

It’s all just scrapped knees

And still knowing my problems

They continue to tease. Sweet G’s!

Would be nice in my life

So I guess I could write

About my money strife

But who the hell cares

Where my money goes

When everyone knows

That gold only glitters

Then it simply begins to litter

Turns the inside out

And makes sweet people bitter

So it might be a while

Before I give you anything good

But I’m proofing for the truth

And isn’t that how it should be?

Creativity for you

Inspired by what you all give to me.

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