Friday, July 02, 2010

A World That Isn't Mine

I am aware that I haven't written much lately, and that's because I'm working on something bigger. The third part of my short story should be out by the end of the month at the latest. Even if I wanted to write smaller stuff right now, I'm finding it difficult. I did however write this which is a tie in to the story coming soon.

I wake up from a slumber that never really was

I don’t quite know how I got here, and I only have “because”

I no longer have an interest in what everyone else here does

I can’t say I want what’s here, but I know I want what was

Waking up into this world that isn’t really mine

I’m under the impression that everyone still thinks I’m fine

I know my world and theirs have begun to intertwine

And how this story will end, I cannot define

Adaptable I must be because I know not what to do

I’ve seen you in both worlds but cannot quite construe

The nature of your existence or the love I have for you

All I know is it’s my fault, and you only did what you had to do

And I'll return to you one day, whether you like it or not

I’ll return and prove to you I haven’t forgot

I’ll make sure to heal your wounds, because it’s only your love I’ve sought

I only hope you’re still around, so that all of this isn’t for naught

I a world that isn't mine, my dreams are vividly gray

In a world that isn’t mine, I speak but don’t know what to say

In a world that isn’t mine, while my heart falls for dismay

In a world that isn’t mine, I long to escape back to you one day

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