Friday, August 20, 2010

It's What You Need

I know exactly why you’re here

And I don’t intend to let you stay

So you can go ahead and swagger on

Talk your talk in your sick way

But I’ve decided not to accept

And I will end your ongoing decay

So you just let them stand by?

While they fawn over you?

Never really doing anything

Oh, how they love you!

Get your jollies on their false hopes

That they could ever be with you

Watch them pine and slowly die

Under your thumb is an understatement

You revel in their eyes locked on you

Under your spell is more like it

They would die to be with you

While you would rather circumvent

Enough is now enough

And your toying cannot pursue

How can you stand idly by

While they waste their lives for you?

Does it boost your ego to watch

All the torment that’s undue?

No, I know what it is

It’s that deep down you’re insecure

You need all of their attentions

To help you reassure

That you’re still desirable in nature

Yes, that truly is your fear

So yeah, I know exactly why you’re here

And I don’t intend to let you stay

No longer can you swagger on

And talk us all into dismay

I don’t need another obsession

And I don’t need you to be my way

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you sound so bitter, but yet not sad. Maybe this is a good thing?