Sunday, August 01, 2010


I couldn’t be colder than I currently am,

And at that moment, I remember where I am

It’s what I said, and wishing you were dead

What’s in my head, and regretting what I said

It’s a quick fix that I just can’t fix

When I know that it’s supposed to stick

But it doesn’t and it just drives away

And you look at me like you planned it that way

You’re not what you are, so stop being what you’re not

We’re drunk, getting colder, hoping everyone forgot

Just shut the f___ up and please go away

Because at this moment I don’t know what to say

Take a walk and we can talk

But you’re just another sheep that flocks

To me, never fro because you always know

That I’ll be back even though I go

Away from you though I’ll never escape

And what I wouldn’t give to get around your red tape

If you’re reading this, then it’s already to late

Because you can’t quite understand your fate

And to hang around me and commiserate

Will surely make you grow irate

Oh it hasn’t yet? Well give it time

Because I’m sure you’ll grow tired of my rhymes

And my simple charms that cause you no harm

But you’ll evade and never disarm

It’s a world of peace I’ll never see

And it’s a dream that will never be

Because to believe in that would be a lie

And when it’s all gone it’s gone awry

To have seen it before would imply I’m jaded

So excuse me while I walk with the faded

The drunk the battered and the used

And don’t come around here thinking I’ve been abused…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart you <3