Thursday, February 24, 2011


Nickeled and knocked out
Bloodied and blocked off
Locked in to being locked out
Nicked but still can’t knock it off
A knack that isn’t shocking
Cocked but no one’s knocking
Stocked but no one’s flocking
Shocked that I’m still talking

Took while no one was looking
Ate what no one was cooking
Shook with no reason to be shaking
Taken by what isn’t mine for the taking

Thousands of islands
And no land upon which to stand
A demand to understand
Handed things that weren’t planned
Tanned faces that ought be banned
Randomness that I hope gets canned
Stand-up people I cannot stand
“Man up and just take her hand!”

Telling tales of the torn tall
Ashes… ashes… we all fall
Shook with no reason to be shaken
Looked her in the eyes and was instantly taken

Rhymes that continue to chime
Climb out of my head primed
Dimed by all the pantomimes
Slime just searching for the sublime
Find limelight that blinds the mind
Mime my emotion to earn a dime
I’m hiding out from all their crimes
I’m hoping things will tell in time

Nonsense rolls like common sense
Dispenses me with great finesse
Shaken, taken, and utterly bereft of defense
Praying this suspense will soon condense

I do declare that it’s all hot air
Impaired by smooth liquid despair
Midair upon a wing and a prayer
Prepared to go most anywhere
Solitary until someone cares
Wary of a likely love affair
Ensnared by that one’s debonair
Aware that I must take it there

Shook with a reason to be shaken
Looked her in the eyes and was instantly taken
I recall that all this is simply stalling
Ashes… ashes… And I think I’ve fallen...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ever Again

I’m stuck in an area covered by ashes of steel
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to feel
I’m travelling a land of gods, hicks and hooves
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to move

I’m losing myself, but finding an old friend again
And I wonder if I’ll ever again remember then
I’m moving forward toward a roller coaster
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to cause a stir

I’m running in a race that she’s already won
And I wonder if I’ll ever again find the one
I’m feeling a sense of destroying delight
And I wonder if I’ll ever again sleep for a night

I’m stuck in an area covered by ashes of steel
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to feel
I’m traveling a land of gods, hicks and hooves
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to move

I’m listening to the flowers, while staring at wall
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to fall
I’m gazing at the stars that can no longer direct
And I wonder if I’ll ever again have that affect

I’m falling in the open while the future closes in
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to win
I’m writing in the dark with only a neon glow
And I wonder if I’ll ever again completely know

I’m stuck in an area covered by ashes of steel
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to feel
I’m traveling a land of gods, hicks and hooves
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to move

I’m staying up late with the memories I keep
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to sleep
I’m fading out white noise and listening to nothing
And I wonder if I’ll ever again find that something

I’m immortalizing memories with pen and paper
And I wonder if I’ll ever again forget her
I’m ending it on my terms before it’s even begun
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be seeing that one

I’m stuck in an area covered by ashes of steel
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to feel
I’m traveling in a land of gods, hicks and hooves
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to move

I’m avoiding the truth so that I can stay miserable
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be stable
I’m longing for love, and hoping for happiness
And I wonder if I’ll ever again find a beautiful mess

I’m looking to the future, and finding the past
And I wonder if I’ll ever again make it last
I’m searching the stars and combing the land
And I wonder if I’ll ever again hold that hand

I’m stuck in an area covered by ashes of steele
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to feel
I’m traveling in a land of gods, hicks and hooves
And I wonder if I’ll ever again be able to move…

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunken Driving

White eyes out of the dark that haunt with their gaze
While rust colored leaves paint the streets like a haze
Just trying to find what I'm searching for these days
Lost in lust trying to relinquish old ways

Driving around trying to find that sensation
Sensing it's over now as I lose motivation
Rain pouring down while the roads get slick
And all through the night I've got a love I can't kick

Memories of you, and her, and the other
And even the one who wanted another
All from a time I can't seem to escape
All in my mind together I scrap

Driving through puddles I wish were oceans
Hoping to drown my car in one motion
Looked into the future where I longed to be
And realized I can no longer picture it for me

The moon fades to black as I sip my drink
I flood and imbibe because I'm too down to think
Just pick me up where I last left off
And point me in a direction where I won't hear them scoff

Tired and delirious; about ready to collapse
I'm sick of falling into their disarming traps
Open my eyes to see nothing at all
Just a broken ambition while tears start to fall

Will I wake up tomorrow and find someone to meet?
Will I wake up tomorrow and find my feet?
Has tomorrow come and gone, before I have time to think?
Have I suddenly found myself with too much to drink?

Here's where I'd take the first line and repeat
And make just enough changes that are seemingly discrete
But instead tonight, while my sunkenness is thriving
I'll end it here and just continue on driving....

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Give Up

The distance grows between the haves and have nots
And I understand your apathy seeing as you already have a spot
But just for a minute, climb off your high steed
And try giving a shit about what it is I see
Your politics are causing me quite a stir
And I can’t determine when you lost you character
It’s clear to me you no longer care
While you inhale, pop another, and give your screens a stare
Information overload hell bent on my destruction
So excuse me if I don’t want to hear your backhanded instruction
I realize it’s time for us all to grow up
But with your attitude lately, enough’s enough
Don’t pass your problems off to me instead
Because you’re incapable of living inside your own head
It’s not my fault sobriety eludes you
And it’s not my fault that I don’t always know what to do
With all of this said I know you’ll never listen or care
So I’ll just leave you to wallow in your crazed despair

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Strive for productive innocence
But in a sense I'm so unproductive
Your wait may feel immense
But that's no reason to be destructive
It may be the general consensus
To generally con the senses
Your past forgot your future
And now your present tenses

Wordplay for the worst
While the worst throw up their words
Listening to the mutes
While the deaf tell what they've heard

You may have the sense to be common
But you still lack common sense
Adequately in constant offense
Is your inadequate defense
At best you'll be accepted
At worst you'll find rejection
Attentive to their wants,
But only when they want to give you attention

Wordplay for the best
While the best hold their tongues
Regressing to progression
As our old selves search for our young ones

It's no secret that we're secretive
But we're all trying to hide in the sun
It's no wonder that you're wonderful
But I'm not fully convinced you're the one
I say I'm looking for innocence
But in a sense I'm still looking for what to say
And I'll keep playing with these words
If these words just want to play

Wordplay for the worst
While at worst they'll ignore my words
Listening to the mutes
While the deaf tell me what they've heard

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Pen to paper; only to realize I hate her
Word to voice; but I don’t do it by choice
I confess I write best when I’m good and depressed
And I’d be blessed to have that beautiful mess

Words that others would call conversation
Leave my heartbeat with no chance of cessation
Sit there and say those words we long to hear
Sit here staring blind wishing you would soon appear

Ambition coerces those trapped by unknown forces
But doesn’t provide the motivation to run down those wild horses
Feelings of regret, of which you can bet
Will leave you clutching losing tickets in a cold sweat

A love of drugs that keeps the drugs lovin’ you
A want for release that you now can’t undo
Just a bunch of puppies that wanna fuck like rabbits
Why not kick it while we can? Since we can’t kick the habit

A length of leg and miles of style
But God forbid she ever stop and smile
Attack with the rack and then leave you behind
She’s fasting forward while they all wish they could rewind

People watching loses its sex appeal
And we start longing for someone to feel
I may be paranoid, but not an android
Just another piner trying to fill that minor void

Get up from a day just like any other day
To leave us ogling your sway, sauntering away
And no one even has to out rightly say
That given the chance they’d sure as hell play

A quick check of the shoes will tell you what you stand to lose
But you’ll still choose the one with issues
Drama’s the true spice of life
And your desire for it’s so thick you could cut it with a knife

So back to a night absent of your sight
Back to a fight that just isn’t quite right
Back to a day, for which we all prayed
Would lead to a night that would never fade

For the love of blond! I just want a brunette!
Red headed to a mess that I won’t soon forget
Color me lusting, for that damn pollution
But I’m out of ideas; so what’s your solution?

Pen to paper; only to realize I love her
Word to voice; and I’m doing it by choice
I confess I wrote this knowing not what to say
Here’s to the one still getting away, happy Valentines Day

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Delusional Music

One of these days I’ll listen away
Listlessly wade through the passing days
Clear some room and please make way
As I fall completely into dismay

One of these days the music will take me
Draw me in loudly; then quietly break me
Deafen me softly and swiftly unmake me
All while repeating its chorus so sweetly

One of these days I’ll disappear into sound
Lost in a time with no beat to be found
Drifting away, never coming back to ground
Change my signature in a bar where I’m no longer around

One of these days the tempo will flow
Dance with me madly; and never let go
Pick up speed and then leave me in the throes
Of something far beyond allegrissimo

One of these days I’ll never return
I’ll listen myself away and maybe I’ll learn
That the music of this world isn’t mine to discern
The track’s stuck on repeat until we’re all ready to adjourn…