Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunken Driving

White eyes out of the dark that haunt with their gaze
While rust colored leaves paint the streets like a haze
Just trying to find what I'm searching for these days
Lost in lust trying to relinquish old ways

Driving around trying to find that sensation
Sensing it's over now as I lose motivation
Rain pouring down while the roads get slick
And all through the night I've got a love I can't kick

Memories of you, and her, and the other
And even the one who wanted another
All from a time I can't seem to escape
All in my mind together I scrap

Driving through puddles I wish were oceans
Hoping to drown my car in one motion
Looked into the future where I longed to be
And realized I can no longer picture it for me

The moon fades to black as I sip my drink
I flood and imbibe because I'm too down to think
Just pick me up where I last left off
And point me in a direction where I won't hear them scoff

Tired and delirious; about ready to collapse
I'm sick of falling into their disarming traps
Open my eyes to see nothing at all
Just a broken ambition while tears start to fall

Will I wake up tomorrow and find someone to meet?
Will I wake up tomorrow and find my feet?
Has tomorrow come and gone, before I have time to think?
Have I suddenly found myself with too much to drink?

Here's where I'd take the first line and repeat
And make just enough changes that are seemingly discrete
But instead tonight, while my sunkenness is thriving
I'll end it here and just continue on driving....

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