Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Freckled Demise

A freckle past a hair

That I noticed was there

Blanketing a beautiful face

That I know keeps me grounded in this place

And enthusiastic tone

That reminds me I’m not alone

Like free flowing red petals

That revitalize my vitals

She walks in… we lock eyes…

I countdown… to our demise…

A hair past a freckle

That always makes me smile

When I toss and turn at night

I find myself looking for her light

An always welcome tone

That reminds me I’m not alone

I watch her go, and I come back

While this pit grows in my stomach

I walk out… no goodbyes…

I watch at a distance, my demise…

That sweet and delicate smile

That keeps me going all the while

A girl that wants me to follow

And I can’t help but feel hollow

Suddenly she doesn’t like my tone

And I’m reminded that I’m all alone

To sleep perchance to dream

While I’m wishing things were what they seem

It happens again… no words just tries…

They watch but can’t understand my demise…

She wants me, but I don’t want her

I guess I get what I deserve

I want her, but she doesn’t want me

I guess neither of us can truly see

Three rings, one more and we get the tone

And if we just picked up we wouldn’t be alone

And if we just gave up we would see

That if it’s good, it’s not meant to be

She walks in… we lock eyes…

It happens again… count down to our demise…

And this if you're interested... it's a cover

Crepuscolo Sul Mare

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This poem makes you sound like a bum. You should start a learning confectionery skills. I ended up not finishing my homework until 5am that night. I didn't feel like barging in on a bunch of hungover males. Sorry. I WILL get that tupperware after my finals. Wish me luck they are scarey *Cries like a sissy*